My beautiful Shawn has gone.

Less than one minute read time.

The horizon came last week. Shawn passed away on the 7th July at 9.30 am, St John's Hospital. He was doing so well, we had so much hope. After finishing radiotherapy the Doc's were keen to start Shawn on chemo. But exactly a week after being given the good news, Shawn suffered a bleed to the brain, and it was too late, I couldn't help him, no one could.

I held his hand and stroked his arm and watched my gorgeous man take his last breath. I kissed him and told him it was ok. But it wasn't, I just wanted him back. I'm so sorry for such a sad post, but I love him so much.

He's at peace now, away climbing mountains and playing rugby and no doubt having the odd beer or three. God bless everyone.

Rachel xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry Rachel, this is such a cruel disease. Thinking of you and your family and sending you all my love, Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry Rachel xx My own hubby and soulmate died on 1st July 2011 with a GBM so I know exactly what you are going through xx Thinking of you xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you, everyone. I've kind of come out of my corner, so to speak. I feel for you all. I spoke to Macmillan today, told them how I was feeling. It's strange. I understand that Shawn is no longer having to put up with everything the GBM threw at him, but I miss him so much, I guess you all know what I'm trying to say. Anyway, once again, thank you all. I wish you all peace and love. And I'm always about if anyone needs a shoulder. God bless. Rachel xox