To add a selfish about me blog

Less than one minute read time.

Not said this out loud or to anyone but feel the need and I guess here is the place to put it.

I have been with my OH for over two years we are very happy together and moved in together after 6 months.  I am 30 and really keen to get married and have children, I think he is too but enjoys winding me up about it.

I am finding more and more playing on my mind what if my dad dies before he walkes me down the aisle, before he meets my children......I really want to tell OH this but don't want to make he feel pressure to get married etc as I am a firm believe in the fact you can't push things like that.  Equally I am worried he won't of thought about the fact dad has cancer could effect these things.

I don't know how to deal with it but I do know it makes me tearful and is playing on my mind.

  • FormerMember

    Oh wow thank you all so much for your replies and support, I am pleased to read I am not being selfish.  We have spoken about getting married in the past so I know it is potentially on the cards - although he hates the thought of a big wedding (so do I).

    I think I will bring it up with him at somepoint but make sure its when I am feeling strong as don't want to end up crying when I say about wanting dad to walk me down the aisle.

    Thank you all so much.

    mollyb I don't think that is bad at all! x