Ending 2020 with a cancer diagnosis

1 minute read time.

Well, as if a year of a terrifying, world changing, pandemic was not enough to deal with! After a few bloody stools and a visit to my local surgery in London, my entire world began to tilt upside down, in a rather nightmarish way. Follow up colonoscopy (simple enough with fantastic smiling NHS staff), a CT scan was requested and carried out. All of this done within the space of 4 weeks. Considering what is currently going on with rising cases and Tier 4 in London, I remain grateful. And I try to remain positive and hopeful. I am always considered the 'strong' friend, the one always smiling and lifting everyone else up. And mostly, looking after a disabled husband and two young sons. How can I, as wife and carer, be ill, I feel fine! And so suddenly? Emotions ranging from anger,guilt, despair and hopelessness abound in my heart and mind constantly this last month. All whilst ensuring my kids remain unaware as right now, following the year of uncertainty and loneliness we have all experienced, they are certainly not ready for further bleak news. 

Tomorrow morning, 24th, we go to sit down with a team of doctors for the results and to hear my future plan. My future life  mapped out for me, a somewhat different one. I pray for strength and for endurance to face the music bravely. I feel ashamed to cry in front of strangers, and will not be doing this in front of  a panel. I have done enough. Time to strengthen up and get a grip, I tell myself, until I feel it working.

Now, I will try to rest, sleep and try to focus on the positives in my life, come what may.

Update coming soon x

  • FormerMember

    I hope it went ok. Anna. x Sparkles 

  • Thank you. It went a lot better than I had expected. For some reason, I was just fearing the worst and the waiting was awful. I am now in self-isolation, for op planned 11 Jan, for part removal of colon. It seems we have picked it up at a early stage and I am relieved, mostly. Still thinking about how we will get on with life and 2 young boys, all this to start the new year!  Hope you are well and had a good Xmas day x 

  • Hi Rose2020, sorry to hear about your diagnosis and what a time it is to get cancer! Like you, I have recently been diagnosed. As if the pandemic wasn’t enough. You must be so relieved to get a date for surgery. I’m still waiting and as you said, the waiting is an awful time and it’s so easy to fear the worst. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate with two young boys and wondering how to cope.  Fingers crossed for you. Stay safe while you wait. 

  • Thank you JWO. I am taking each day at a time, literally. Staying indoors too. Yes what a way to end this year indeed. Take care 

  • Hoping to have my op on 11th January. I pray for no delays. I feel fine apart form constipation and truly hoping to get out of that hospital as soon as possible to be home to heal with my 3 boys !