Primary adeno Ca both lungs

1 minute read time.

I'm new to this and have joined in the hope I will get some help and support along the way with dealing with this diagnosis and the treatment she is going to have. 

My wife 52, non smoker was diagnosed in April with primary bilateral bronchogenic Ca, after a year of treatment for "adult onset asthma" both by the GP and a chest physician. After the usual tests, we have been told they are operable, but experience with managing primary Ca in both lungs is limited as it is uncommon.

She had surgery on one lung and is recovering and is due to go for the second in 1-2 weeks, followed by chemotherapy.

We are totally overwhelmed by all that is going on and my poor wife is finding it hard to mentally prepare herself for the second surgery.

The range of emotions from deep sadness, anger (at what/who - we don't know!) depression, but thankfully so far mainly optimism, is overwhelming. I am finding it difficult to focus and carry on with the tasks of daily living and can only imagine the difficulty my wife must be going through.

What a reality check this has been. Priorities and perspectives have changed, and we realise how much we take this precious life for granted and worry about trivial things! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sujt,

    Welcome to the Macmillan Family,sorry about the circumstances. But on this site you will find a lot of great friends only too willing to help in anyway we can. Should

    it be for a chat, Support,Caring, Love , Strength. or just understanding. You will not find a nicer bunch of people

    any where.  If you want to talk, Scream Roar or Cry we have all done it. Then this is the site for you. You will never be alone there will always be someone here to talk to if you want.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hello ,my name is lil i know what you are going through i have had surgery on left lung and still unfer hospit; and not well i think it nice to talk to people on hete as i get very depresed and wory i find it hard to talk to family and only just come on here it is so good you got sites like this and talk to people that are going throuhh the same i sebding all my lv to you all lv lilxx

  • FormerMember

    i do hopr your wife gets beter i  know what she going thriugh it so hard for family aswell it is so stresfull and woring so if she needs to talk i am here for her and i sending all my lv to her all my lv lilx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to read about your problems, I have had a right upper lobectomy and can understand your wifes worries about undergoing a second op so soon. Only one of my lungs was affected but the tumour was very large. This was 3 years ago this week. Have faith muster your strength, patients DO survive !!

                         This site will give you all the info and support you will need, you are not on your own.

    Good luck, Big hugs to you both.

    Bill xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    i had the same as you bill mine been 2 years how are you doing i am new to the site and i think it nice to talk people on here since i had surgery on left  for the lady that got to have sylong i havent been to good havung a lot chest infections but thank god i am alive thy can do so many good things 2 day the docters are so good thy aved my life do you have problems bill with your back i sufer with back since surgery it puts you under a lot of stres but i find it hels if you can talk about it ihope everthing goes well