Disillusioned with Chat...don't all attack at once!

3 minute read time.

Hi folks,

This has taken me sometime to put together because I know it is a sensitive subject so I hope I have addressed it correctly. 

In February of last year, I stumbled across What Now.  It was at a time when I was feeling very low and alone.  I’ve been living with cancer now since March 2004, so I wish I had come across this site much sooner!  I have since acquired some amazing friends from this site whom I love to bits :0)

I was so nervous when I first went into the chat room, but straight away Rose09 said hi and asked how I was, I told her I was new etc and slowly I revealed my story, I got so much support that evening, I came away feeling so much better knowing I had found this group who knew what I was going through and were happy to listen.

It’s because of the warm welcome, that I have (I hope) always said hello to new people, encouraged them to talk, share their worries.  I remember how nervous I was that first night in chat and I was a “cancer veteran” so to speak, so goodness knows how the newly diagnosed feel when entering chat for the first time, terrified and unsure to say the least.

Now I’m going to throw the cat amongst the pigeons here because I’m sure there are a lot of people who are going to disagree with me.  Let me make this clear, this is MY experience and my opinion of recent events in chat.  I also want to make it clear that this isn’t just since the merge of What Now and Mac, I had issues long before that.

I have felt for some time now disillusioned with chat.  I loved chat, it was somewhere to go and meet people, share good news, share fears, celebrate life and mourn the passing of friends.  However there have been on occasion people who have made what I feel are inappropriate comments.  This site when all is said and done is a Cancer Support Group.  So yes it’s ok to have a laugh etc but it is also ok for people who are having a tough time to talk about their fears or any issues they may be trying to work through, it’s also a place where “newbies” be it newly diagnosed or simply new to the site should be nurtured and encouraged to talk which in turn will make them want to come back, after all surely that is the main aim?  I think it’s unacceptable that some people have been made to feel as if they are spoiling the fun, some of whom have actually even been told so.  We have to remember that it is first impressions that count in chat and if we don’t interact with new visitors then they won’t return and they may be in dire need of the support that we all know we can offer!

I’m not aiming this at anyone in particular, as I have said it is a general observation about the change that seems to have occurred in chat.  I hope it doesn’t last, it will be a shame.  I have thought recently of just not bothering with it, but then I think that is silly and selfish because there will always be days when I need the comfort and support of chat and days where someone may need comfort and support from me, so I’m here to stay and for those of you who have also become disillusioned with chat, I hope you reconsider and come back.  It is after all a fantastic site!

Love and Peace

Indie xx

  • FormerMember

    hi there,i joined in on chat last weekend as i was feeling so bad over a certain situation and to be honest was welcomed by a few, Lisa included,but i couldn keep up with who i was talking and answering to and when,i felt like i did the first ever game of bingo i had! I ended up just sitting watching the chat for a while then turning off,i like many others get to know people through blogs and forums and chat through mail that way,its the only way i can keep up!

  • FormerMember

    Keefy!  I wondered were you where!  I can't believe someone had the audacity to say that to you!  Or perhaps I can, which is sad.  I think everyone's experience of the chatroom will be different, it is what each makes of it.  Different people, different times of the day, no two visits will be the same.  I can't say I've ever had a bad experience (well not that I need to recount here), although I have witnessed people being ignored, it's seldom deliberate.  Oftentimes it's a bit lighthearted, which might not be what people are looking for, but unless we get a signal that a level of seriousness is required, what are we to do?  Those seeking answers should bear in mind that often when a question is asked and it's not answered it's not cos anyone is being rude, it's because they don't know the answer.

    I think all chatroom members should always bear in mind that this is a cancer website, and if people want to talk about cancer and its effects however unpalateable, then not only is this allowed, but it should be postively encouraged.  The laughter and banter takes second stage...

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Woah.... What else can I add .... Mmmmm I couldn't have expressed it better indie mate... I loved chat , it was my lifeline when I was low and cheered me up... I could also cheer other people up and share hopes and fears .... I thought it was just me that thought it had changed... I had the same greeting as you indie you were one of the first people to greet me along with the rest of the people I know think of as mates .... A lot of whom asmswerd you here.... There was always a welcome and a goodbye ... But now I feel like an outsider... Is it me?

    I think I will try again sometime.... Maybe

    liz xxx

  • FormerMember

    Keeffy I wondered too... Who on earth would say such a thing???

  • FormerMember

    Hi Deb Marsha and Liz. I couild tell you but it wold be wrong on here to do so. I have approached the erson concerned, but she denied it (i suppose she would really). However I had my say to her on Facebook but she took her bat home and well and truly threw teddy out. so now i think its time to let it lie. but just in case i am ut of chat. xx love to you all xx