The saga goes on...

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Yet another bad day in my household - what a surprise! Got to go pick up my 73yr old father this afternoon after he has had a basal cell carcinoma removed from his forehead. Also just found out that my brother has found a mole on his chest that has changed & he is waiting for an appointment with the specialist - he had a dysplastic mole removed 8 years ago. Now I have just received a call from my GP with the results of my spine xrays last week. Nothing was found on my spine, GOODY, however 2 swollen glands were picked up in my neck, so I have to go see my GP at 7.30 tonight so he can examine me etc.

Does this carousel ever slow down so I can jump off?

  • FormerMember


    Sounds like you are definately due a break.....what a lot for one family in such a short space of time.

    Here's hoping things ease up a little for everyone.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with g.p. appointment tell us how you get on. Love Linda

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the good wishes guys. Saw the doc last night & was told the xray showed my spine is ok (together with the dentist saying my teeth & gums are great at least I know my skeleton will have the healthiest set of gnashers around)! However it showed 2 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck. These weren't that enlarged that my doc could feel them though! So he is contacting my oncologist today to let them know & see if they want to bring my CT scan forward & include my neck or leave the scan for the 27th & send me for an ultrasound on my neck. My doc said he would let me know either today or tomorrow so the waiting continues. Trying to feel upbeat & hoping that it's nothing - along with the liver mark - but finding it difficult.

    Angie xx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Angie, and hoping that it's good news when you finally get some!

    From my own experience this carousel isn't showing any signs of slowing down, but it's good to have people riding it with me.

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Marsha,

    I don't know about it slowing down, it seems to be speeding up. Just got a call from my doc who tells me that my oncologist wants to see me in his clinic on Thursday so he can assess me himself. He is talking about leaving the ct scan as it is and sending me for an mri specifically for my neck which he will arrange for next week.

    These nodes are so small no one can feel them, they wouldn't have been found if I hadn't gone to the docs with a pain in my arm/shoulder and I don't feel ill so I'm really hoping they turn out to be nothing. Just when you think you can have a bit of respite it's back to the drawing board.

    Angie x