Positivity or madness?

1 minute read time.
I have been "missing" for quite some time now, but am kind of back....
Took the idea into my head to do an Diploma Course online and what a great idea it was, has really kept me occupied, busy and certainly helped keep my mind of things.
That said, went for it hell for leather and grew obsessional about progressing mega quick. Think I thought something was chasing me and would eat me up if I didn't keep up the pace.
Was floored by Pneumonia and that slowed me down and even stopped treatment early, OH FECK! some will do anything to get a bloody break eh?
Have thankfully nearly recovered and am pleased for that, course is nearly finished too, have so beat my targets hands down.
The question is though, shooks what do I do next? Am back at Hosp tomorrow to find out what is next in the line of treatment. Found myself blubbing like a baby, just like in the early Mac days.
Really didn't realise how much I had shelved the big C and am in kind of shock at the prospect of results and plans. Just what am I going to do with my time now??
Kind of got used to poor levels of support but some folk have remained brilliant and supportive and am back in touch with an old friend who was really mad I hadn't gotten in touch. That is really positive and family seem to be dealing with things better, but the supportive sister is far too busy now- Did bring big present a while ago on a flying visit. Seems like people can discharge their duties if they do a big demonstrative thing> hey hum.
Am much better on the computer now thanks to all my studying!
Am pleased with myself for my strength of character and despite looking rough and well older, am still "at it" hate the term survivor, but I think that must be a good description of me right now)
lots of love to all those suffering and newly diagnosed.
  • FormerMember
    Ooh hey there! Nice to hear from you! Wow you have been busy and you a lot more positive :) good to hear what you have been up to. Glad the family are being a bit better too. Please take it a bit easier though eh? Good luck with the results and let us know how you get on. Love Little My xxx
  • FormerMember

    Brilliant! Not the being ill bit of it, obviously, but doing the course. What's it in?

    Good luck at hospital!


  • FormerMember

    Welcome back Maisie,if thats ok to say.Good on you doing the course.Im pleased to hear how positive you are and that you do have support.Enjoy the sunshine.HUGS xxxx

  • FormerMember
    Positively mad? What an achievement with course well done and I am sure you will find something to fill your time with soon enough. Good luck with hosp tests. Clare xx
  • FormerMember

    Maisey you are an inspiration.  Well done on the course.  Glad the family are behaving themselves albeit with 'things' rather than 'themselves'.

    Hope the test results are good and you can start on your next course - maybe an OU degree!?!?!?!?!

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx