Yet more bad news.

1 minute read time.
It just gets worse...... Nine weeks (to the day) after my husband's biopsy, having been diagnosed with Advanced, Invasive Bladder Cancer, we get the long awaited 'phone call. "Would you like to come to the hospital for a talk?", said the Urology Nurse. "Yes", I said, "That would be better than the telephone". She then said that she would give a brief summary now. I said that I would put her on 'speaker'. She then blurted out, in the nicest possible way, that my husband is inoperable and that all they could offer was chemo to slow the Cancer down. Well, words cannot describe our faces and right now I cannot think of an appropriate adjective for our feelings. She said that a MacMillan Nurse would be calling but at this point I really don't know what anyone can do. We now wait another two weeks for an up-to-date CT Scan and then see the 'guy' from Liverpool on his weekly visit. Sorry, can't smile but really pray that some of you have private medical care as the waiting has caused this situation. My husband was diagnosed in Spain, in February, whilst on holiday.At that time it was solely confined to the Bladder Yes, it took three weeks to get home due to the ferries not having space for the motorhome, but the waiting from then on is 'your life in their hands'.This really is where having hard cash comes into play. The Spanish Consultant was prepared to operate straight away, but we couldn't pay him with our house. Much love and every good wish to you all, Tricia. X
  • FormerMember

    Hi Tricia,

    I'm so saddened to hear your news, I remember reading your blogs when this all started.  All I can say is my thoughts are with you and I hope any treatment your hubby has goes well.  You are are great support to him I have no doubt.


    Indie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tricia, so sorry to hear this news regarding your husband.  I don't have any words which will make you feel better.  Just be there for each other.  Will be thinking of you, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Tricia

    I hope that you have someone to support you through this. Are there friends or family around there for you? I will remember your husband in my prayers tonight.


  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to hear the news about your hubby, I can imagine the shock and anger you must be feeling.  I hope his treatment is a success.

    Best wishes

    Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Poor you. My husband has inoperable lung cancer so I understand a little of the devastation you feel.  He was diagnosed in September last year, and the “best guess” for his survival was one to two years from when the symptoms first presented in late June last year.  I hope you will find as much support and inspiration from this site as I have.  It is terrible to realise that time together is limited, and we did have some very rocky days at the outset.  As time went on, we accepted that there was nothing we could do, but make the most of what we have left, especially while he remains fit to do some of the things we had planned for our retirement.  I have learnt to take each day as it comes, and to try to celebrate what we have had together, rather than mourn what we have lost.  That sounds a very noble objective, but sadly, one I don’t always meet.   I can understand your anger at NHS delays. My husband’s treatment was delayed while he was passed from one member of a multi disciplinary team to another.  Thankfully, he was still able to have chemo, albeit palliative and that seems to have bought him a few more months of quality time.  I hope your husband might be offered something similar

    Best wishes to you both
