And more and more and more bad news

1 minute read time.

It's been a long time since my last blog but life has been too horrendous to write about, not just for me but for anyone reading. So for all our sakes, I'm just going to write this quickly so that I don't have to think too much

My husband got to his 3rd Cycle of chemotherapy, had an MRI, and the chemo was stopped as it just wasn't working. More fear.

Then twice, 999 in the middle of the night with blockages and renal failure in left kidney. After two weeks of suffering in hospital (and being totally mad for the first week through toxins in built up urine and too much morphine) they decide to do a CT Scan. This was on 17th Nov. At this point we hadn't even been given the result of the MRI, even though we kept asking. On 24th Nov. we received a letter saying to make arrangements to be at Clatterbridge Hospital for Oncology in Liverpool for Planning for Radiotherepy. What? Still no results of anything and no-one to talk to as the Oncologist is in L/pool and not getatable. We flew to L/pool for the day last Monday (30th Nov.) My husband's Oncologist had decided to take the day off, the Radiologist said. Well, that was the last straw. I demanded to speak with somebody from his team .......and then the poor husband who was all but abandoned by the medical professional from the very beginning, (see my profile).....has three to six months to live.

We are going through every emotion but anger is top of our list. How do I keep strong for him when I have to hide in the toilet crying? If I could drive to the beach to scream it may help but I wouldn't leave him. It's just not fair. I just know nothing anymore.

Love and good wishes,

Tricia. X




  • FormerMember

    Tricia, the way your husband and yourself has been treated is disgusting.

    I am so sorry to hear your news, but you

    should not always believe what doctors

    say about a prognoses, there are lots of

    members on Mac that have proven this,

    so take one day at a time, and i hope

    that will be a very very long time. It has

    been a shock for you and understandably

    you are scared, and your emotions are

    all over the place. Is there a family member that you can talk to, or have you

    seen the Macmillan nurse yet. Come on

    here and let your feelings out, people

    understand what your going thru, you

    can let yourself go and hopefully you will

    get good advice and a shoulder to cry on

    I was going to send you a pm, but i cant

    seem to get thru, but you can send me

    one anytime you want to talk.

    With Love Lucy Lee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh God Tricia - you have been treated appallingly and anger is top of my list too. Like Lucy says - hope you've got people around though no-one can really soften a blow like this. Maybe telling a Macmillan nurse would help to get your thoughts in order before tackling the 'team'.

    As far as the prognosis goes plenty of people go far beyond what they're initially told so hang in there - is it possible for you to get a second opinion?

    wishing you all the best


  • FormerMember

    I can only add my disgust to the earlier comments. I am so very sorry for you both.  We have had some rough treatment from the NHS, but nothing to compare to this.  When we have problems, I complain and complain and then colmplain again.  But you have so much else to deal with now, and complaining can be a very exhausting and time consuming proceedure, precious time that you will want to spend with your husband.  I wish you   some really good quality time together, and hope you will be able to make some wonderful memories to treasure.

    Stay strong, and use this site to get anything you need to off your chest



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tricia

    Sorry to hear how bad things are for you.  I had a completely different experience at Clatterbridge - I had a lot of respect for my consultant, even though I've been discharged from there now as they can't be of any more help to me.  The consultant I saw wasn't always available on my visits, due to holidays etc, but he was great at answering emails - usually within a couple of hours.  As I have melanoma, it won't be the same person - however, I would suggest asking a member of the admin staff to give you his email address - and you could try this route.  I know that email is not everyone's favourite form of communication, but I found it really helpful to be able to plan what I was saying, sticking to the facts, without all the emotional baggage of a telephone conversation.  You've also got the reply to refer back to if you forget what he's said.

    This may not be of much use to you - but it's just a suggestion.

  • FormerMember

    hi tricia,

    sorry for the hell you have both been through...... but dont get that time scale stuck in your head... i was told i had 3 to 4 months to live in march 08... im still here and planning to be here for longer still....(read my biography)... i know a terminal dx is un describable you cant get your head around it ... and i found that i was at the "acceptance" stage long before any of my family... my poor hubby is still struggling... but we are making the most of everything.... is so easy to just give up... but i refuse to .. every morning i wake up and mentally lock my secondary tumours (5 large ones in my liver) in a big box, i kneed them in like dough, telling them to get back in the box... i dont know why my mind lets them escape during my sleep... but i get them back in every morning... i know this might sound silly to you, but i think its part of the reason i am still here.... never give up....

    good luck liz xxxx