plum duff

  • more worried about the scans than the operation


    Tomorrow I go into hospital,I go to Jimmy's for 2 scans then onto L.G.I.for an operation on Tuesday for the lymph nodes removed from my neck.

    I know the operation won't be easy but I will be in good hands so am not too worried about that, what does worry me is if they are going to find it has already spread, at the moment I am wondering if the neck pain I have been putting down to tension is that or not I guess I…

  • feel as though yesterday was a waste of time


    I went to see the surgeon yesterday about  my lymph node removal,

    He said he wanted to do my operation either next week or the week after and as it is a 60mile round trip arranged for me to have  my pre operative there and then so I spent another 2hrs having that done .

    The surgeon presumed I had had my scan which was booked at the same time as my appointment with him,

    When I said I hadn't he said he would chase it up…

  • Hopes for this year


    Last year was a bad one for me and many of you .

    This year is starting on a difficult note for me, I go to see the surgeon on 6th about next operation, My husband finishes his radio therapy on 4th it won't be untill  the 8th Febuary that we know if it has been worth while.or if it had already spread.

    I am determined to try and think positive, this might sound foolish but I would rather live in hope,at least that…

  • it wasn't good news


    i went for results of my wide excision today first i was told although they removed cancer they couldn;t remove all pre cancer cell's as too near eye, so would have to keep close eye on it presumable they have alternative treatment to try if it developes further. If that wasn;t bad enough a lump appeared yesterday so they did a biopsy and it has spread to a lymph node in my neck so now it is scan's to see if they can…

  • today I go into have my wide excision


    the only reason I can see is they want me in today is that apparently there is a31 day NHS directive saying I should be seen within 31 days of appointment to see the consultant and thats up today my operation is not until tommorow. they want me in at 3pm.I AM having a sentinal node biopsy as well I wonder how long it will be before I get those results,