See Above

2 minute read time.

Well time to stop being the silent majorit - This is a cancer support site set up to support those suffering with cancer. Let be straight Cancer is crap no one can argue with that. Suffering with cancer includes patients, Ex-patients, Carers, ex-careers Friends and relatives - we are all affected - the only qualification required.

May get censored I know - but a bit pissed off to be honest with the 'New Software'  just how long does new apply ? OK confession Time I am a Community Champion. I have access to a list of new guys signing on - but no need for them to to post a biography  so a bit unsure of the advantage, in terms of meeting and greeting or the filtering of those considered to be trolls.

At one stage there was a community, we all struggled together, a common hurt, a common hope, lets help those that are lost like we were, had the crap news, lost, hurting, alone and in that dark place. Just do not spend the time on here I did, my problem I know.

When I sign in all I see is the posts of humerious aspects, see a few guys lost and hurting and wonder what they feel they have stumbled across - A cancer support site or a site dedicated to anal humour, inuenda and light hearted banter !! - Hey I am good with all of that honest they all have their place and also understand the humour and the support that group offers - but a group to join if that is waht you want to join.

The lost lonely guy, just got the news - you have Ovarian, Breast, Lung Cancer, prostate, testicular cancer those that had the news your Mum, Dad, Partners has cancer and the assumption  they will die  gets little or no support So amazed at how many posts get no response - I am as bad as any - but a limit to how many I can respond to.

Ok I am hurting ,keep your humour guys - just not the first thing every new guys sees, try and open your eyes that there are other cancers too Not everyone thinks that dying is funny yet  - If my comments hurt anyone - not my intention sorry - but look inside and remember that  voice - you have cancer - not that funny the first time guys Good Luck and keep going Guys xxx

  • FormerMember

    Susan7 it looks like you are having problems posting - please drop us an email on


    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for all your comments, there are a lot of great points here.

    Updates will continue to take place and new features will be added. With many pieces of software, particularly those developed on web platforms, updates take place all the time. We have been listening to everyone’s feedback and have been implementing updates based on this since the relaunch. This is something that we will continue to do.

     If there are points that were raised back in 2009 that haven’t been addressed, as this was before my time please drop me an email on and let me know. We have being doing a lot of "behind the scenes" work to improve accessibility along with the new features that you see since the September 2011 relaunch. The feedback that people give is very important to us, although we can not implement everything straight away, please keep it coming!

     One thing that we can all agree on, the experience of new members is really important. Thanks to all of your feedback we are reintroducing bio as a required field soon. We are also introducing a Captcha system which will make it harder for spammers to register to our community.

     The way that new activity (status updates, forum discussions, blog posts) gets highlighted is very similar to the previous version of the community. The main difference is that it now displays the first line of text. I think this is a good feature as it gives discussions further context and also highlights anyone in need of help. The way this activity is displayed is different as they were separated before (e.g. before it could only display 3 status updates at a time) and now it displays a lot more of it. For people asking for support through status updates I feel being able to reply is a great way for people to easily give support. It is apparent within this thread that some people like this and some people do not. I recommend using the show me people & groups feature if you do not like this. 

    Off topic threads are a reflection of what is being discussed in our community which the activity stream captures. People have been affected by cancer in so many different ways that some of the content that appears may not be relevant to them (ranging from the way someone has been affected by cancer to off topic conversations),  what is important is that the community remains a kind and welcoming place to all.

    Take care everyone,
