See Above

2 minute read time.

Well time to stop being the silent majorit - This is a cancer support site set up to support those suffering with cancer. Let be straight Cancer is crap no one can argue with that. Suffering with cancer includes patients, Ex-patients, Carers, ex-careers Friends and relatives - we are all affected - the only qualification required.

May get censored I know - but a bit pissed off to be honest with the 'New Software'  just how long does new apply ? OK confession Time I am a Community Champion. I have access to a list of new guys signing on - but no need for them to to post a biography  so a bit unsure of the advantage, in terms of meeting and greeting or the filtering of those considered to be trolls.

At one stage there was a community, we all struggled together, a common hurt, a common hope, lets help those that are lost like we were, had the crap news, lost, hurting, alone and in that dark place. Just do not spend the time on here I did, my problem I know.

When I sign in all I see is the posts of humerious aspects, see a few guys lost and hurting and wonder what they feel they have stumbled across - A cancer support site or a site dedicated to anal humour, inuenda and light hearted banter !! - Hey I am good with all of that honest they all have their place and also understand the humour and the support that group offers - but a group to join if that is waht you want to join.

The lost lonely guy, just got the news - you have Ovarian, Breast, Lung Cancer, prostate, testicular cancer those that had the news your Mum, Dad, Partners has cancer and the assumption  they will die  gets little or no support So amazed at how many posts get no response - I am as bad as any - but a limit to how many I can respond to.

Ok I am hurting ,keep your humour guys - just not the first thing every new guys sees, try and open your eyes that there are other cancers too Not everyone thinks that dying is funny yet  - If my comments hurt anyone - not my intention sorry - but look inside and remember that  voice - you have cancer - not that funny the first time guys Good Luck and keep going Guys xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    I totally understand where you are coming from on this.  The priority of this community should surely still be with new members joining looking for help / a place to vent / information / others in the same position as themselves - I could go on, but I think I've made my point.

    A lot of "newbies" are here for the reasons above and the ones you've mentioned and I agree that some may wonder what on earth they've stumbled into.

    Humour does have it's part to play, as you know John, but in the Chat room for example, if some are having a laugh and a joke, normally when a new members comes in, we all make the effort to stop and greet them and ask if and how we can help. The mood in Chat changes and fluctuates frequently though and there are times when newcomers have been seemingly ignored. This is usually when the room is very busy, but we all try not to let it happen.

    John, there have been times in the Chat room when long standing members of this community have felt ignored too so it is important that we all try to notice if someone who is usually "the life and soul" in the room is very quiet. Usually means they've had bad news or just having a difficult day.

    As to the newbies and profiles, I too had thought Admin are working on this?? Completely agree with you about the length of time "New Software" can carry that tag. The previous "upgrade" in September 2009 was "played with", but never truly sorted, but I thought that was the aim of the new software last September. Six months later and there have been some changes and that's great, but there are still some issues that have not been addressed from two and a half years ago. Suggestions as to how to improve certain things appear to have been largely ignored, but maybe there are things going on in the background that we are not aware of?

    John, I'm going to pm you - otherwise this will be another long post from me - still lots to say, but need to leave room for others to respond, as I'm sure they will. Take care.

    Love, Rose x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    Please don't knock humour, it is a very important means of dealing with some very dreadful treatments as I am sure you are aware. It keeps us sane, although some might argue with that point!

    If you follow the posts of those who indulge in this "anal humour" you wil see that they are among the most supportive to newbies giving good advice which often elicits a very grateful reply of thanks.

    I also agree with Rosemary about the chat room, as I have said before. Banter stops to help newbies or members having a bad time. This willingness to offer unconditional love and support makes people in the chatroom very vulnerable as recent events showed.

    I do agree with you that it is often difficult to spot newbies on this site, and even more difficult to help them if they don't tell us on their profile some details of this situation by filling in their profile.

    I didn't realise that community champions received a list of newbies. That puts you in a privileged position to help, but seeing the number of people joining this site it is impossible for the CCs to help everyone. There are many of us able to help and insisting on people filling in their profile on joining will enable the rest of us to help you in this task.


  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    I agree with where you are coming from about newbies and I personally say hello to everyone how are you, but last night I did'nt and we all got told off.

    I was upset as I have just come back from Hayling Island , after meeting some wonderful other mac members, as I am having chemo for secondary bowel cancer it did me the world of good and we were just commenting on it and why should'nt we, when we were shot down very quickly.

    So from going on a high about being away to low because was made to feel so bad about not replying to a newbie I think I deserve to be upset.

    Most of us did apoligised to the newbie and she was fine about it.

    So please everyone don't be too harsh on us if we don't always say high to everyone, I personally do but often others don't say high back and as I am a sensitive soul I do take it personally.

    Am sending my love and hugs to everyone, good luck with everything , I need it too.

    Love Pam xxx  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pam,

    I'm glad you had a good time at Hayling Island and I'm sorry that I was unable to join my friends there.

    Never apologise for the Banter in the chatroom; what a dull place it would be if it was full of moaning ninnies. Banter helps to recharge your batteries so that you can help someone having a bad time of it. Yes, newbies in chat are sometimes missed, and sometimes there is so much activity that it takes a special kind of brain to keep track of who's talking to who! Fortunately most newbies, and even old friends who need help there do get it.

    Never take criticism to heart; you were not the only one in chat so obviously it wasn't aimed at you but to everyone. There is only so much that one person can do, but as the supermarket says, every little helps!

    Big hugs to you and good luck with the chemo,

    Love Colin xxx