See Above

2 minute read time.

Well time to stop being the silent majorit - This is a cancer support site set up to support those suffering with cancer. Let be straight Cancer is crap no one can argue with that. Suffering with cancer includes patients, Ex-patients, Carers, ex-careers Friends and relatives - we are all affected - the only qualification required.

May get censored I know - but a bit pissed off to be honest with the 'New Software'  just how long does new apply ? OK confession Time I am a Community Champion. I have access to a list of new guys signing on - but no need for them to to post a biography  so a bit unsure of the advantage, in terms of meeting and greeting or the filtering of those considered to be trolls.

At one stage there was a community, we all struggled together, a common hurt, a common hope, lets help those that are lost like we were, had the crap news, lost, hurting, alone and in that dark place. Just do not spend the time on here I did, my problem I know.

When I sign in all I see is the posts of humerious aspects, see a few guys lost and hurting and wonder what they feel they have stumbled across - A cancer support site or a site dedicated to anal humour, inuenda and light hearted banter !! - Hey I am good with all of that honest they all have their place and also understand the humour and the support that group offers - but a group to join if that is waht you want to join.

The lost lonely guy, just got the news - you have Ovarian, Breast, Lung Cancer, prostate, testicular cancer those that had the news your Mum, Dad, Partners has cancer and the assumption  they will die  gets little or no support So amazed at how many posts get no response - I am as bad as any - but a limit to how many I can respond to.

Ok I am hurting ,keep your humour guys - just not the first thing every new guys sees, try and open your eyes that there are other cancers too Not everyone thinks that dying is funny yet  - If my comments hurt anyone - not my intention sorry - but look inside and remember that  voice - you have cancer - not that funny the first time guys Good Luck and keep going Guys xxx

  • FormerMember

    I hope you don't mind me sticking my oar in here as well. I often wonder about the humour we have on this community but am personally grateful for it. It is a coping mechanism for some of us.

    But I think back to my mum when she was in the thick of her cancer and she couldn't laugh about any of it. She said to me once that I was being too lighthearted about the situation so we all need to think that not everyone will appreciate the 'toilet' humour that sometimes appears on this community website. When I was at the start of my own cancer journey, I couldn't see anything funny about it either but soon needed the humour back to keep me sane.

    I agree with Colin about the support the humourists give to everyone - they are fantastic. I for one always try and take time out for the newbies I spot on my group (ovarian) and try and offer support - not in a humorous way, unless that has already been reflected in their post. If someone is hurting, then all they will get is support, not the funnies...

    We all have to be conscious that we are not all at the same stage in our journeys and respond accordingly to those who are having a difficult time - we were all there once.

    Keep smiling, people.......

    J X


  • FormerMember

    Good morning All.  Basically they should have left the site as it was before ( maybe with a few tweaks ) as it was far more ' user friendly ' - hence a lot easier to navigate, especially for those of us who are not all that clever with computers.

    Regarding the profile issue ( or lack of, in most cases ) a few of us did bring this up ages ago - as we pointed out, it is difficult to help new members if they don't give any information about their current circumstances. However all the spammers and so forth seem to flourish as usual.

    I also do feel that the opening Activity Page should not show the contents of any posts at all, no matter what group they belong to.

    Sometimes I wonder why I bother coming here anymore .............

    Joycee xx

    PS. On some of my ' down days ' I have indeed been cheered up by some of the ' humerous posts ' ......

  • FormerMember

    Another PS .......... I find the likes of one of this morning's new members blogs more offensive than the aforementioned ' humerous posts '

    Try anonymousjock and his / her ' The cure for all Cancers and Diseases ' ..........

    Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    also speaking as a member of the chatroom,i cant speak for everyone in there but the humour of people who use it certainly keeps the chatroom alive and a lot of the time can make someones miserable day that bit easier to bear.i personally choose to keep things as light hearted as possible but would never force my oppinion on anyone let alone want to upset them.i spend quite a lot of time in chat and have got to know some of the other regulars in the room well and i feel we do try very hard to make everyone who enters the room feel comfortable and able to talk about their concearns and feelings,on the odd occasion someone does get missed as the screen moves that fast when the room is busy(especially at night)its impossible to keep up with every detail of conversation but normally someone in the room picks up on it and then the rest of the room offer support too.

    i really love the chatroom it has helped many people through dark times as it has me too,its not long since i lost my mum and i choose to use the room for my own support and to support and listen to others who are having a hard time of things......i feel im speaking on behalf of most people who use it when i say WE ARE ALL HERE TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER.........AND WE ARE HERE TO LISTEN TO ANYONE WHO MAY NEED OUR SUPPORT AT WHAT IS A VERY TRYING TIME IN ALL OUR LIVES.

    lins xxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Paddyman,

    Thanks for supporting me, and being glad we had a good time in Hayling, shame others could not feel the same, still I should think of all the lovely ones who do and not the few who don't.

    I will try and be tougher on mac but like to think as I am a sensitive person , I am also very caring, which I know I am.

    I am glad you are doing well.

    Not looking forward to chemo but got to have it, am finding each one a bit harder and side effects bit worse did you , and the tiredness does'nt ease with time.

    Thanks for the hug do like my hugs so sending one back.

    Love Pam x