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Sorry. x

  • FormerMember

    H Vicki - All of us have asked that question at some time - along with 'Why that Person?'

    The only answer is the ones Mums give to their kids when they keep asking that - 'because it does !!'

    There is no reasoning with fate - we can only control so much of our life.

    Why do people  go to sleep at night crying for the child they will never have - while the young girl goes to sleep at night crying because she is pregnant and is scared to tell her parents.?

    Why do people here pay for liposuction treatment to remove excess fat - while more than 10 % of the world starve ?

    Why do we give more funds to animal charities than we give to childrens charities ?

    Why do we talk of spending Billions on Nuclear deterents that we hope never to use ?

    The question 'Why' may be the hardest question in the world for anyone to answer - Maybe Mum was right ?

    I know your question meant why your Dad - maybe the answer to that is - because it was his time - but he died having a beautiful family who loved him - and he knew that -  that really does mean a lot and is so much more than some ever know.

    Your Dad may has died - the pain is so fresh none of our words will really help - all I can say is your friends are here for you !!

    In time the pain of his going will ease - but he will always be with you - he is part of you and your childrens eventually - start planning now what you will tell them about their Fantastic Grandfather that the never had the chance to meet xxx

    Hugs mate

    john xx

  • FormerMember

    PS - never say sorry - its not needed between friends xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John, Thankyou for taking the time to reply.

    Just to say i have 3 children they are 9, 6 and 4 and they loved their Grandad very much. I hope to talk of him all of the time so that their memories never fade but i am aware that the little ones may not remember him in years to come so i will work extra hard so that they won't 'forget'.

    I say why because today i saw a man with his grandkids and the way he spoke to them was disgusting, one of the children answered him back and he hit her round her head (she was probably about 5). He then said he would tell their mother how naughty they had been and that he hates looking after them and wouldn't again, the could sort their f***ing selves out.

    My dad never swore at us, never ever hit us, ever! let alone my kids.

    My best friend has just discovered her next door neighbour has been charged with indecent images of children on his computer.

    Why can such evil people escape, when the angels in the world are so suddenly ripped away from us. It just escapes me.....I used to believe in God. Now who knows??? Thanks though mate. Guess its just been another one of those days.

    TC xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    oh pink ,ive asked that question so many times ,

    hugs for you huni xxxx

  • FormerMember

    You too Jen,

    I guess this is the anger stage Dad said we would all go through.


    he said to get through it with dignity, i had better stop cursing people i don't know huh!

    Hope you and your kids are ok.

    Tc XXX