The dreaded scan!

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I have just got back from taking Dad for his scan, they are trying to determine whether the chemo has had any effect, i really hope it has as i'm not convinced dad will want to continue any treatment if this lot has been useless. He appears to be getting worse everyday at the moment, he has a horrible very throaty cough and he struggles to talk as his voice is very hoarse.

The tumour under his arm is still there as large as life and doesn't appear to have shrunk at all. What is happening on the inside we really hope is better but that's what the scan is for i guess. We are hoping to get the results back early next week he has a treatment planned for Tuesday but no one knows whether he'll be having that or not.

I am dreading the results i feel if its bad it will be like hearing the awful news all over again. I have been strong for the last 3 months but i feel like i'm starting to fall apart now.

Hope you are all well. xxxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Florence,

    Just been reading your blog on April 9th.  I am in a similar position, I knew that the cancer would take my precious dad but until last month the consultant would not actually say it, then her finally admitted that they could not cure only care. There is a face that says i'm coping and its all ok but it i'm not and it isn't i just don't want to think about or believe that there is nothing they can do.  How are you today?

  • FormerMember

    Hi argo,

    It is so hard isn't it trying to let your loved ones think you are ok without allowing yourself to completely fall apart. My dad has completely accepted his fate and i cannot and will not accept that. He is 49 years old and was so fit before all this started its just impossible to believe. Still no scan results but he is booked in for chemo this morning so maybe he will find out more today. my mom is with him today it is their silver wedding anniversary..... what a way to spend it huh!!!! How are you and your dad getting on?