I start my new job tomorrow

1 minute read time.

So i start my new job at the hospital tomorrow and i have butterflies as big as elephants. 

I have my trust induction and my ward induction monday and tuesday and nursing and midwifery induction wednesday, thursday and friday. Then i'll be doing 38 hours a week on the wards Surprise

I am excited this is what i want to do, i have had my kids they are all at primary school now, this is my time now!!! I am 31 in 2 weeks, i have to do something for me.

Dad wanted me to do this, i am doing it for me but there is a huge part of me doing this for him too, i want him to look down and be proud that i have done what i said and started to climb this ladder. 

I have read some posts on here lately that make me think god do i really want to go into nursing and work for the nhs, I would hate to think of patients thinking i don't have time for them. I want to do my job and do it properly to its full extent and like Jenni has said on her posts sometimes just put a smile on peoples faces. I don't want to the care i give to patients to be dictated by time. Oh well we will see what happens i just want to do my job well.

Butterflies are even bigger now lol. I CAN do this!!!


Love to you all xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    You will love your first day I always remember mine and how much I enjoyed nursing. I miss my patients and have only been off for two months. Hope to go back soon good luck with your career I did not qualify until I was 58 and wish I had started much earlier. Was diagnosed with breast cancer during my training had a mastectomy during this but did not have any time off as I was determined to qualify. I am sure you will make a difference and improve patient care. Have secondary breast cancer now but am determined to go back to nursing.

    Have a good day tomorrow,

    love Ann xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki you will do a fab job in the NHS, don't you worry!  You are like Jen, caring and compassionate, and your recent experience with your wonderful dad means you understand what a patient, relative or carer needs and should get in terms of care.

    My mum loves the nurses who smile, she dislikes the ones who are straight faced.  A smile and a word or two when passing are often all it takes to make a patient feel cared for.

    I understand that you have butterflies but once you get in there, just like Jen, you will love it!

    Will be thinking about you.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Well done Vicki. Like the others have said you will love it.

    Your dad would be so proud of it.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember


    As someone who has only been in hospital at little, the 8 days I spent a few years ago and the 3 days this year in a urolology ward - can I just say that I think the vast majority of nurses are simply wonderful people. I wish you all the very best this week and into the future and I'm sure your dad would be so proud of you.

    Hugs and good luck


  • FormerMember

    good luck hun,go for it!! your dad will be so proud of u xxxxx