I'm off for a bit, Take Care. x

1 minute read time.

Hi All, I hope you are all doing well.

I hate to put on a sad blog i have tried my hardest not too lately, but i am really struggling at the moment, i have still hardley cried, i still feel very numb.

Last night a friend came to see me and i haven't spoken to her since dad has gone except via text, i talked her through it all from start to finish, she is a great girl and she just listened to me but afterwards i thought bloody hell why did i just inflict all of that on her? She didn't need to hear it but i have never had to do that yet i'm not sure whether it was that i needed to physically say things out loud for me. How selfish of me to do that?

I think that things are starting to sink in a little now i can not sleep without reliving everything in my dreams, i wake up every night asking for my dad. I really thought i was doing ok but now i think i was kidding myself. 

I think that until i come out from under this dark cloud i might come off this site for a little, i try to be positive but not of my experience is positive. So many people come on here just looking for that hope and i think i will upset too many good people. I will be back i just need this cloud that feels more like a thunderstorm brewing to move away. 

I'm sorry for a negative start to the day. Stay well all of you. I love you guys, we are as many say like a family on here.

Love to you all

Vicki    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    again wat can we say, if you leave at least you know you can always rejoin and we will all still be here, at first i didnt know if this website was doing me good or not o i take it as i come if i need peeps ue there and thats wat online community is about,curl up and console yourself and we will be waitinf to speak again love claire x

  • FormerMember

    Yes we will be here waiting for you to come back. But I wish you would stick around. You obviously still need our support and we want to give it to you.

    Take care Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    I am so sorry that you are having a really tough time, if it helps in any way I have found your support invaluable to me over the last week. I really hope that you find the best way to let you deal with how you are feeling but please remember that everyone here cares about how you arexxx

    love and hugs Sharonx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    I guess we all have a threshold, at which point we feel we can't go on being positive. God knows in the last few days, I have felt just the same. When beloved family members have their life snuffed out by this killer disease, we all think what is the point of trying any longer. Nothing will bring them back, but we can take heart from the fact that by them passing you and many like you have realised the suffering of others and been able to comfort so many. I don't think a single person here would argue that they have had awful, days, weeks and even months. Coping with grief is a very individual thing and there is no formula, so just do what feels right for you, but please just remember all of us here are all doing our best to make sense of our own individual tragedy. The compassion that people show for complete strangers here is truly amazing and after a very short time it feels like you have gained another family. You are a very valued family member by all accounts so GOD BE WITH YOU on your journey to inner peace. Take care and don't stay away too long

    Ian x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicky.  Please don't go off of this site unless you feel it's the right thing for you.  We are all here to support each other through the darkest days.  Your friend was happy to let you talk and that means she's a really good friend so don't worry about her she's there for you just like us.  I don't know if you've had any bereavement counselling but if you've not it may be worth a try.  When my dad died I was the strong one.  As an only child I had to be for my mum and like you I didn't really cry and thought I was coping really well.  5 years later, yes 5 years, I started crying one day and I couldn't stop.  After a couple of days I went to my Doctor and he wanted me to take anti depressants.  I had no idea what was wrong and thought I was going mad, just didn't connect it to dad.  A very good friend came round to see me and I started talking and she listened.  It was then I realised what was wrong with me I hadn't grieved.  It was this friend who found out about a charity at a local church hall that offered bereavement counselling.  She arranged an appointment for me and I went along.  It was the best thing I ever did and I have learned that it is really important to grieve and not bottle things up.  I also learned that I had a very good friend in June.  I would never let myself get like that again and I would never hesitate to go for counselling.  It doesn't work for everyone but it did for me so it might for you.  Please look after yourself and I hope to see you around the site soon.  Caroline XX