Hi Chemo starting next week-Really really scared!

1 minute read time.

Hi Everyone, Hope you are all doing as well as possible.

My darling, handsome dad starts his chemo on Thurs 14th and i am so scared about what will happen.

At the moment when the doctors talk about his illness they could be talking about someone else- he just appears so bright and well.

I am worried that by the end of next week he may actually be poorly.

I know this sounds silly but you would not believe me when i say how 'normal' he is, which is what makes his prognosis so difficult to comprehend.

What will happen? I have seen people say on here that they are staying in hospital for chemo but dad has been told it will be about 5hours. Whats the difference?

I kind of feel at the moment dad is well and by doing the chemo they will just be bringing the cancer on - yet it is supposed to be buying him more time.

Why can't they operate?

I don't understand.

Sorry i sound spoilt and silly. I may be 30 years old but despite my hubby my dad is the only man i have ever loved and i cannot bear this any more. Why my dad?

Why the good people??

It doesn't make sense. Sorry i'm crying again so rant over for tonight. Sorry guys. x

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou so much for your concern.

    Dad nearly didn't go through with it at all. When he was signing the consent form he asked the nurse if he could still donate his organs and they said no not if he had chemo. So he said well i don't want it then  Thing is though guys that is the kind of man my dad is....he would sacrifice a few extra months to give at least 1 other person the chance of life.

    The nurse said that she had never met anyone so noble, who was thinking of others before himself. But the thing is my dad is a gentleman who would do anything for anyone. I think he knows the chemo will not prolong his life very much if atall.

    Thankfully after consultation with the doctors dad realised that due to how aggressive his cancer is and how far it has spread they would not be able to use his organs anyway. Dad accepted this and went ahead with the chemo.

    Dad was very brave yesterday and took everything and all of the treatment in his stride. He had a really long day he started at the hospital at 8.15am and left at 7.25pm apparently he was dehydrated then first chemo, then flushed, then second lot of chemo, then flushed, then rehydrated again. Gosh there is alot involved he handled it very well but thurs night didn't sleep as his anti sickness drugs must have worn off and he felt quite poorly and he has the most horrendous hiccups.

    I spent the day with him friday and realised dads way of thinking. He wanted to discuss funeral details  what he does/doesn't want and also financially he is starting to get things in order. None of them including the doctors are optimistic that the chemo will work and therefore if in 6 weeks time when he has the ct scan if the tumors haven't shrunk dad will refuse more treatment. We are then back to the original diagnosis which was a max of 12 weeks from the date of diagnosis which was xmas eve. I really hope they are wrong or that my dad will be one of those miracles who far outlive their prognosis.

    Love and best wishes to you all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    What a brave man your dad is.  I'm so sorry that the doctors weren't able to be more optimistic.

    Have they confirmed that chemo is the only option - is radiotherapy not something they can consider in order to 'buy' more time?

    I still wonder how anyone can say something like a max of 12 weeks - if your dad had seen the doctor the week before would they have said 11?  Or the week after and said 13?  I doubt it, so 12 weeks is such a ball part figure and I for one pray that 12 weeks on from Xmas Eve you'll be sat there saying to your dad, 'see dad, I told you it was just a statistic'!

    Please keep us updated - I was thinking of you in Thursday knowing what you were going through

    Lots of love xx

  • FormerMember

    Yes chick- my dad is soooo brave and i am very proud of him.

    I always think that too about the dates yet i think think 'but they are doctors-specialists in cancer there for they know more that me!' but i do understand what you mean and i truly hope that you can say to me 'see i told you so' in 3 months time. Not sure about radiotherapy it was mentioned at the start but not since so not really sure.


  • FormerMember

    Hi PinkVicki

    My Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer just before Christmas and I am feeling much the same as you.  My Dad didn't even smoke (it seems so unfair) I felt just the same when my Dad had chemo and the first lot was awful - but panic not, it was because he was taking the sickness tablets wrong !!!  - second time he took them correctly and had no problem, just one week where he got a bit shaky and down but that was all really.........oh and the tiredness of course!

    Anyway the bad news is that chemo has failed, the tumour has not got bigger, but no smaller either!! - they are trying him on another chemo now but I don't think they are very hopeful .  My Dad like yours is a gem, he loves life and to see this happen is so sad but concentrate on being positive because someone else we know conquered the same cancer my Dad has so you can never tell how it will work for different individuals.  I am glad for you all that he has tried the chemo as if it works you will be over the moon and if he hadn't tried it you may have been filled with the "what ifs"!!

    Keep strong  xxx