Hi Chemo starting next week-Really really scared!

1 minute read time.

Hi Everyone, Hope you are all doing as well as possible.

My darling, handsome dad starts his chemo on Thurs 14th and i am so scared about what will happen.

At the moment when the doctors talk about his illness they could be talking about someone else- he just appears so bright and well.

I am worried that by the end of next week he may actually be poorly.

I know this sounds silly but you would not believe me when i say how 'normal' he is, which is what makes his prognosis so difficult to comprehend.

What will happen? I have seen people say on here that they are staying in hospital for chemo but dad has been told it will be about 5hours. Whats the difference?

I kind of feel at the moment dad is well and by doing the chemo they will just be bringing the cancer on - yet it is supposed to be buying him more time.

Why can't they operate?

I don't understand.

Sorry i sound spoilt and silly. I may be 30 years old but despite my hubby my dad is the only man i have ever loved and i cannot bear this any more. Why my dad?

Why the good people??

It doesn't make sense. Sorry i'm crying again so rant over for tonight. Sorry guys. x

  • FormerMember

    hi pin,

    chemo isnt as bad as people might think.... yes its horrible, but most people get 2 good weeks out of a 3 week cycle, i had 8 and each one was a little better than the last... i know this is not so with everyone, but apart from being bald, no one would ever have known i was ill, now my hair has grown back people are shocked when i tell them my prognosis!

    the thing is ... believe it or not, its very important for your dad to get as much normality as possible, because it helps with your frame of mind, and his, which is more important,

    i know everyone is different, but watching my family`s pain was worse for me than the actual chemo..... i had to give them a BIG lecture about not looking at me as if i was going to drop dead that very second, .....it worked, they are as normal as possible around me now, and i can truthfully say,i feel better for it.

    your all in for a very rough ride, but if the chemo works, then it will all have been worth it.

    all the best of luck to your dad and your family....enjoy every moment, live life to the full... and most importantly..... dont treat your dad like a child just cos hes ill.... he`s still your dad, he knows you love him,

    i was told i had 3 to 4 months to live in march 08, and i am gratefull to still be here ...

    ive seen my daughter get married in oct 08.....

    been to america twice

    first grandson born in sept 09

    done 2 bungee jumps sept 09

    been to spain twice

    going to south africa for the second time next week for my 50th birthday

    all since i was told i was dying... so ....

    never give up,where ther is life there is hope...

    good luck

    liz xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Liz you sound amazing and very strong. I hope i can find just a small percentage of your strength. Thanks for your advice. xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    dig deep... its there you`ll find it...

    good luck


  • FormerMember

    My dad looks poorly for the first time now. He is pale, shaky and has lost his appetite and chemo doesn't start til thurs.  

  • FormerMember

    its probably worry too... the unexpected ...chemo is scary... when i look back on the photos my family took of me before my chemo, i do look quite ill although i didnt realize it, i actually look better now ha ha ha... stress and worry take its toll...on everyone
