6 months on! Where am i?

1 minute read time.

Well actually i think i am in a good place right now. New years eve i had my mini melt down, stupidly i felt like i would be leaving dad behind in 2010. This time last year although devastated by his diagnosis we were taking the kids to the zoo, going shopping, choosing fish together for my aquarium. Gosh talking of that when we went to get fish, i remember telling him i want a baby as he grabbed my hand as we crossed the road....he always always did that. Sorry anyway we were making memories and enjoying the time we had left together and now i know why and can now see the good memories....they were kind of blacked out for the last 6 months but gradually now the mist is clearing a little and i can remember some very good times too. The bad memories will always be there i know that but now i realise that the only way i can get through my life without him is by remembering how fantastically brilliant he was as a father, husband, grandfather, son and a man. 

I wanted to post this to show my friends that have recently lost their loved one that the tunnel is always there but there is a dim light beginning to glow.


A poem for my Dad.

Six months have passed

I’ll never forget the day

That i sat there holding your hand

as you went away

I was your first born

Daddy’s little girl

I took my own path

But was still part of your world

I always loved you

My dad, my star

Now my pain is

To worship you from afar

I love you now

As I did back then

I just hope... one day

I will see you again

I am so proud of you 

Brave and strong to the end

Now when asked “how are you?”

There is no need to pretend

We all love and miss you so much, sleep well 
and take care of all who went before and after you.

Forever in my heart x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    What a beautiful poem dedicated to your Dad. he must have been a fantastic bloke. To have a loving Caring Daughter like yourself he must have been very proud as well. Yes it is a long road and the good memories will outway the bad ones. One Day the Pain will start to ease. You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    HI Vicki,

    Maybe at last I can happy New Year to you ? - you are not leaving Dad behind - you are taking him forward with you ! What an inspiring post my friend, at last the pain is dimming a little  - know it will still raise its head at times - but at last the power of the Good Memories is begining to glow brighter.

    Only thing you left unfinished - the Baby you planned - is that any closer and so good you feel ready to bring a new life into what, without the love you demonstate, can be a  cruel world - Hope your plans become real.

    Love and hugs Vicki

    J x

  • FormerMember

    You 2 of the most fantastic men.


    Flippin eck John, It my sister having the bubs not me. Arrggghhhh gosh no my 3 are more than enough thanks unless you are offering to come and be my Nanny :)

    My sister is pregnant for the first time and i am so excited for her. This more than anything else is making me look forward into 2011.  Just hoping dad will be looking down to meet his new grandchild.  

    Love you both Sarsfield and my future employee John.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mate - you ruining my reputation Vicky You seem to be saying I am drunken reveler - hell I am tea total ask at any Bargain Booze !! - Can I quote you ?? ' I remember telling him i want a baby as he grabbed my hand as we crossed the road' hell you on Gin like me !!

    Most important question - free rusks - and used to nick my Sisters Gripe water - so can I cop a free swig maybe ? - hope she does not read this -

    so good to hear you had a glimse of that light  - it will get brighter - Honest xx

    Love and hugs mate

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    LOL J,

    definitely too much gin. lmao.

    It was supposed to read "i'm NOT a baby"

    Wow you are observant John. I thought you were referring to my other blog about my sister lol lol lol

    "What a pair of drunks we are"