6 months on! Where am i?

1 minute read time.

Well actually i think i am in a good place right now. New years eve i had my mini melt down, stupidly i felt like i would be leaving dad behind in 2010. This time last year although devastated by his diagnosis we were taking the kids to the zoo, going shopping, choosing fish together for my aquarium. Gosh talking of that when we went to get fish, i remember telling him i want a baby as he grabbed my hand as we crossed the road....he always always did that. Sorry anyway we were making memories and enjoying the time we had left together and now i know why and can now see the good memories....they were kind of blacked out for the last 6 months but gradually now the mist is clearing a little and i can remember some very good times too. The bad memories will always be there i know that but now i realise that the only way i can get through my life without him is by remembering how fantastically brilliant he was as a father, husband, grandfather, son and a man. 

I wanted to post this to show my friends that have recently lost their loved one that the tunnel is always there but there is a dim light beginning to glow.


A poem for my Dad.

Six months have passed

I’ll never forget the day

That i sat there holding your hand

as you went away

I was your first born

Daddy’s little girl

I took my own path

But was still part of your world

I always loved you

My dad, my star

Now my pain is

To worship you from afar

I love you now

As I did back then

I just hope... one day

I will see you again

I am so proud of you 

Brave and strong to the end

Now when asked “how are you?”

There is no need to pretend

We all love and miss you so much, sleep well 
and take care of all who went before and after you.

Forever in my heart x


  • FormerMember

    Cheers mate - proves I read it anyway

    Love and Hugs mate

    j xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki.  Thanks for posting this as it has given me hope.  I have talked about a very dark tunnel on one or two of my blogs and although I have seen the odd chink of light, at the moment, I feel most of the time I'm stumbling around in the pitch black.  It's less than 3 months since I lost my mum and I was beginning to wonder if I would ever be able to move forward but reading this lets me see that although I will never forget the difficult times of the past 12 months, in time, I will be able to also remember the good times.  Your poem is beautiful.  Take care of yourself and thank you again.  Love and hugs Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    It really helps to read this, when hope sometimes seems to elude us and there seems no end to the pain, reading that you are starting to heal is exactly what I need to hear. As Caroline says, for those of us  a few months behind you in the stages of grieving , it always helps to know that it will get easier , especially since we have followed you in your journeyxx

    Your poem is lovely, and I have to say I was with John, I read the blog and thought your were planning a new addition to your brood!!! Might turn out to be a premonition though!!!

    Love and hugs to you, Sharonxx