Surgery Number 2

1 minute read time.

After initial surgery on the pile, I had been left with small lump that was bothering me. I was told by doctor it was just inflammation 1, and oncologist examined it and said it was definitely not cancer. 

But to me it felt the same as the initial lump and wept slightly as well..October 11, 2021 I went back for post operative meeting with my surgeon and we both agreed that although it was highly unlikely to be anything, a second operation would remove it.

So Nov 5, 2021 I had second operation.

On 11 November, 2021 I fell from.ladder at new house site and tore virtually all the ligaments in my knee. It was agonising.and left me on crutches non-weight bearing for 8 weeks. 

My sister came down Monday 22 November to help me..I was due to see doctor again on 30 November but again was asked to go in early on Thursday 25..I knew exactly what that meant..Alison was with me when he was sorry to say they had found cancer in the second pile as well..

Honestly I knew it! You should always trust your instincts..I was told my oncologist would call me the next day. She didn't..At that point I really went into a bit of a spin..I think I was upset and also angry that I had been told it was definitely not cancer. I really wanted to understand but nobody called me back..Again Maggie's were really lovely but I was left hanging.

In the end my appointment with oncologist was brought forward to 9 December. Two weeks of waiting was just totally horrible..I've since learnt this is usual but honestly it was really demoralising and depressing. You feel like a number not a person. 
