carers comfort

1 minute read time.

Yes  it is painful to be caring for a loved one who has been diagnosed with cancer.

my partner was diagnosed with oesophagal cancer last July .  What a shock and the begins a journey ,a journey which few of us have ever been on before-learning every step of the way.  In January after many tests we found out the the cancer is inoperable and he was referred to a hospice for palliative care. So far he has refused more chem as he felt too weak after the investigative surgery but is getting a little stronger every day and so when he sees the consultant this week he may decide to accept it -this will entirely be his decision. Although diabetic he was given steriods which have helped increase his appetite and he is starting to put back on some of the weight he previously lost -also he has been prescribed Ensure Plus which we make into delicious ice cream sodas.  His spirits are pretty good -some days better then others but then that is like most of us  and is finding meditation very helpful.  At present he is very very tired which he thinks is a result of the explorative op -I'm not too sure on that but I don't know .  So far taking each day as it comes 

  • FormerMember

    hi sorry you had to join this site but the people on here are so kind and helpful.  Glad to hear your partner's spirits are good.   I'm sure you will be a great support to him. Fortisip drinks are good for getting calories in you can get them on prescription not sure if suitable for diabetics but your gp will be able to advise - they taste better with ice.  Thinking of you both m husband had oesophageal cancer.  

  • FormerMember

    Wish you both all the best, a lot of strength and many, many happy days. My husband had more or less the same, but we managed to have some really good times by keeping up hope and not thinking too much about the future. There are always good stories about exceptional cases; they helped a lot. Feed him up, and enjoy it! xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your kind comments.  Today is not a good day ,I'm sure you know what I mean -he is very very tired and wants to sleep all the time.  I am trying when I can to get him up and moving even if only for 5 mins .  Is this tiredness normal or do you think he could be depressed,he says he isn't but looks so down and sounds so cross

  • FormerMember

    The tiredness is pretty normal, and depression is normal too - it's a hard time. Don't bother him too much - he'll try to do what he can. Nothing worse than feeling guilty about what you don't feel you can do, but know you should. Be kind to yourselves.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone  it's good to know people are around to know what it is like .  It is very hard  to watch someone deteriorate before your eyes.  This morning he just said he didn't think he would be able to make the stairs in a few days as he is getting weaker and weaker -no real pain but just fading away -he is too tired to speak just lies there -he keeps trying too