starting fec chemo next week

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Saw my oncologist yesterday and starting chemo next week which I am terrified about. Have to decide today whether to try the cold cap or not and am really confused. How life changes the only cap I've ever had on my head was when I used to have hilights done, those were the days!

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I was on fec and 2 weeks after my first session it all fell out in handfuls. My advice is get you hair cut short and sort out a wig through the hospital. Also get some scarfs and hats and chunky jewellery which will help you to feel a bit more feminine. When it started falling out in handfuls i just got my daughter to shave it off in the garden and i felt better.

    Take Care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember


    Sorry to hear you need chemo but you will get thru it. Look after yourself and listen to your body. I tried to keep things as normal as possible but some days you just have to rest, so do it! Don't suffer in silence either, most symptoms can be relieved with medication.

    I never bothered  with the cold cap, mostly due to the time involved. As chemo progressed I was glad of my decision as it was hard enough sitting there for chemo let lone the extra time. But you must decide for yourself, if you hair is important, give it a go, you can always stop.

    Good luck, hope all goes well


  • FormerMember

    Thanks for all your comments and support girls, I think I have decided to try the cold cap at least for my first chemo, unless I chicken out when I get there. Have an appointment on Tuesday to get a wig sorted out and although I don't look good in hats found an amazing site in the States and have ordered a couple and a sleep cap, alot of people said the biggest shock is if you wake up with hair all over the pillow so thought the sleep cap a good idea. You are all very brave, thanks and take care x

  • FormerMember

    Hi All just been reading through the blogs

    I start my first chemo on wed, don't have the choice of a cold cap and still waiting for the hospital to refer me for a wig!!! Glad to read there is a sleep cap, I'm going to look into that I have clippers at the ready as the nurse told me sat that probably on my second treatment is when my hair will fall out

    Pauline f god luck and hugs
