
  • my keep fat diet


    Firstly let me say for those out there who are not well enough or able to eat  i am sorry and mean to cause no offense.With my chemo ctd the steroids are having a great time like a ticking bomb in my mind saying what shall i eat next. Half way through one meal and my mind is already thinking of the next or what treat i deserve for eating the last. My specialist nurse said i should treat my meals like medicine and even if…

  • Thoughts of things to come


    Well 5 weeks into my 12 weeks of cdt chemo and doing okay .No bad side effects bit breathless ,tired ,shake a bit , numb mouth and strange tastes but nothing compared to sunny leith and many, many others . Because the chemo seems to be going well and my bad protein levels have dropped , if continued in this way i will be sent to St Barts after 100 days grace from this chemo. There to have a 6 week stay for stronger chemo…

  • myeloma site sleeping


    i find the general blogs site very supportive sad funny and informative but my specific cancer site for myeloma slumbers some what. not that you want to hear of others having holes in their bones leaking calcium all over the shop but when it is on your mind it is nice to share the fun. thanks to all who contribute at first i thought i was to well to need this site and now my mind is most at ease when these little builders…

  • funny what you listen to ?


    after  meeting my wifes friend at hospital 2 days ago i had to smile when thinking back to comments i made on line concerning stupid things people say. we explained i have myeloma which she had not heard of [ why should she ] and that i was on chemo . from her lips came you look so well are you always red faced. so much runs through your mind ,look inside me i have punch holes through my femurs , skull and several ribs…