my keep fat diet

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Firstly let me say for those out there who are not well enough or able to eat  i am sorry and mean to cause no offense.With my chemo ctd the steroids are having a great time like a ticking bomb in my mind saying what shall i eat next. Half way through one meal and my mind is already thinking of the next or what treat i deserve for eating the last. My specialist nurse said i should treat my meals like medicine and even if i don,t fancy them to sit 3 times aday and eat a little. Well if i carry on like this i won,t find a chair to sit on. 6 weeks in to my first 12 weeks of chemo red faced fat and breathless how bads that. Like all of us there is a serious side to this disease but today thats not for me. Keep pushing the keys people and i will keep eating and reading. with respect Paul58 x 

  • FormerMember

    Go for it! When I had my chemo I was the same-gained a stone and a half by the end of treatment lol! I have only manged to lose about 4 pounds but lifes too short to diet when you love food like I do! I hope it all goes well Paul