Thoughts of things to come

1 minute read time.

Well 5 weeks into my 12 weeks of cdt chemo and doing okay .No bad side effects bit breathless ,tired ,shake a bit , numb mouth and strange tastes but nothing compared to sunny leith and many, many others . Because the chemo seems to be going well and my bad protein levels have dropped , if continued in this way i will be sent to St Barts after 100 days grace from this chemo. There to have a 6 week stay for stronger chemo and then stem cell treatment . The thing is this may give me another 2 years or 10 years if successful an unknown quantity .My concern my worry is infection or being very poorly and losing what i have now .

              I know myeloma has no cure but they try to make it plateau and the stem cell treatment can give an extended plateau time .I know for my families sake i will take this and at 52 should be strong enough to fight my corner, it,s just that nagging in my head what if ,what if,what if.

              I don,t know how quickly the cancer would take over if i did not take the treatment . It has already invaded my bones by 60 percent and popped a good few holes in them ( not much good as a builder now ,i might manage lego now)

   Sorry to all just needed to see my mind in print , will take Lulu for a walk and think of brighter things.

     you are all stars in my eyes and i love looking at you xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Paul

    You have absolutely no need to apologise for doing something that keeps all of us sane on here.  If I couldn't blog, I'd probably spontaneously combust, and I don't imagine you are any different.  What I'm going through is nothing compared to what you are going through.  At least I get a break, whereas you are having continuous treatment.  I think you're amazing for your strength of character in coping with it as well as you are.

    I know exactly what you mean about whether to have chemo or not.  I was exactly the same before this chemo and had pretty much decided just to let the cancer take it's course, because the side-effects sounded so horrendous compared to what the cancer is actually doing to me, and I felt quite well.  However, my friends and family including those on here, gave me a great deal of encouragement, so here I am.

    What you are facing is ongoing treatment, with no guarantees, so of course you're apprehensive.  Of course you want to do it for your family, but the decision has to be yours.  I keep consoling myself with the thought that if it gets too much, I can just call a halt.

    Maybe what you need to do is take it one step at a time, because the enormity of what lies ahead is otherwise bound to overwhelm you.  It really is the 'what if's' that get you and by deciding things one step at a time, you get to take back the control that the 'what if's' fight you for.

    Personally, even though we have never met, I count myself very fortunate to have a friend like you, and would like to think I will have you for a friend for a very long time.  The thought of losing you to the 'what if's' doesn't figure in my plans for you and Julie and Lulu!

    I'm sorry you're having a down day today, and sadly it comes with the territory, but I know you will shake it off, because you've already demonstrated how strong you are, by coping with what you've faced so far.

    I hope your walk with Lulu brings a smile to your face.  Sending you a massive hug right now,

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    hi paul58

     glad to hear things are going ok ish with the chemo. I'm in the same grey area as you my friend, no op offered and aggressive chemo to stop the spread ( i have o.c).

    keep positive and strong and will see you on here for many years yo come.

    best wishes my friend, borderjoe

  • FormerMember

    Hi Paul,

    You see with your attitude and strength of mind. Its that type of thinking that will get you to where you want  to go.

    O/K theres no cure now , but what about in 6mths time or a year we just dont know. But with your thinking it will help..

    Look after yourself and take care Sarsfield.