It's a roller coaster Journey

1 minute read time.

What a rocky ride it has been so far, it all started when my lovely man started to have blackouts.

Friday the 28th January was the day he and I started the journey, this was the day he frightened me half to death with a seizure.  He said he thought he had blacked out  a few times previously but nobody had witnessed them...

Since that date after numerous tests on the 1st March 2011 he was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour.  He then went on to have further tests which resulted in brain surgery on the 19th April.  

A week in hospital followed the  operation, had he had not had a bad seizure after the opp he may have come home sooner.  Things were looking good , he was getting stronger each day and then on the 27th April we returned to the hospital for an appointment with his neurosurgeon to be told the devastating news that part of the tumour  they removed was malignant.

We were devastated, it was not the news we were expecting to hear :(.

Now he is awaiting 6 weeks of radio and chemo therapy to hopefully make sure this cancer does not return.  It has turned our lives upside down.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stroppy,

    This is the hard part the waiting. Dont get down just yet wait until your husband has had his treatment . You both will have a good idea as to wether the treatment has worked by then. I wish you Both all the best  and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun

    sarsfield is the wise old owl on here and has helped me through from the start so listen to everhing he says cos he is so right stay positive dont ever be negative negativity breeds into something we cant get over and we cant ever be negative look for the good news know its hard stay strong love and hugs jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Rollercoaster is a perfect description Stroppy.  I understand exactly how you are feeling and what's to come.  I had brain surgery in Jan 2009 followed by 6 weeks of RT and then 6 cycles of TMZ chemo.

    Here I am in 2011 with a fairly sparse patch of hair at the front (usually covered by a fabric headband or hat) and a shocking short-term memory, otherwise I am fine ;)

    If you feel I can help you, please feel free to add me as a friend.  Also there is a forum called We Talk Brain Tumours, although at your early stage, it might not be the best place to head as there are several members at the latter stages of their journey and I still do find this upsetting to read about.

    I have photo's of my RT mask and me in it on my profile and my blog Debs Daily Deliberations has documented all my treatment so far - you would need to go back to near the beginning for the RT stuff.

    Good luck to your man and you.

    Love & Strength, Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Awww thank you for your kind words sars...jennifer and  debs, it is comforting to know there are others around that are going through the same.  I am trying to stay possitive  for Steve but sometimes I get them doom and gllom days and I feel so angy that decent people are suffering in this way and just want to know WHY!

    He has had the mask made this week, another week and he will be starting the treatment god only knows  how he will feel then :(

    chrissi x

  • FormerMember

    Well Steve is  about to start his 5th week of radio and chemo therapy that means we are now alot closer to the 6th week mark YIPEEE!

    Its backwards and forwards every day to the hospital which is half an hours drive away which isnt working out to bad I'm still managing to work after we get home which is good.

    The radio and chemo are  now kicking in and there have been slight changes, he sleeps alot more than he did, one good thing so far is he doesnt feel sick but that could be the anti sickness pills helping.

    He hardly eats anything which worries me a little as I know he needs to keep his strength up more now than ever :( oh and  he has started to lose his hair, in just 3 days  its coming out really fast.  

    He is also having down days and I so want to take that away from him he really doesn't deserve this!

    We try not to think long term at the moment although I do have  down days wondering  what will we do if it comes back.  I guess we will cross that bridge if we come to it.  " weeks to go then a 3 week break from both chemo and radio, then its 6 more months of chemo :(