It's a roller coaster Journey

1 minute read time.

What a rocky ride it has been so far, it all started when my lovely man started to have blackouts.

Friday the 28th January was the day he and I started the journey, this was the day he frightened me half to death with a seizure.  He said he thought he had blacked out  a few times previously but nobody had witnessed them...

Since that date after numerous tests on the 1st March 2011 he was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour.  He then went on to have further tests which resulted in brain surgery on the 19th April.  

A week in hospital followed the  operation, had he had not had a bad seizure after the opp he may have come home sooner.  Things were looking good , he was getting stronger each day and then on the 27th April we returned to the hospital for an appointment with his neurosurgeon to be told the devastating news that part of the tumour  they removed was malignant.

We were devastated, it was not the news we were expecting to hear :(.

Now he is awaiting 6 weeks of radio and chemo therapy to hopefully make sure this cancer does not return.  It has turned our lives upside down.

  • FormerMember

    The 6 week treatment has now finished and its really knoced him for  six :(   I look at him sometimes and  all I see is a broken man, he isnt the confident man he used to be.  Its been a long 6 weeks with radio and chemo we are on week 2 of the 3 week break now preparing for the  the next lot of treatment.  Last week was a I would say the worst week we have had,  All the emotions of why me, will it come back am I going to die etc I dont think there has been a day gone by that we havnt both cried in the past 7 days.  It has been  so emotional and to be honest with nobody profesional to talk to  we have both fealt quite isolated although we know we are not the only family going through this.  We wont see the the consultant now till the beginning of August so i guess we will have to plod along supporting each other till then  :(  I dont even know if this is normal anymore   not seen a doctor for 8 weeks, I feel like its just been radio and chemo  just get o with it   and cope with your own emotions along the way.... is this what usually happens????