chest pains

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Hi everybody, hope you are well.  Would just like to know if any breast ca. survivors (mine was 2007 - mastectomy/lymph node clearance - rads and herceptin) have had any probs. with pain in their chest surgery site.  My lymphodema seems to have got worse lately and I am having sudden stabbing chest pain where I used to have a boob.  I have had a few breathing probs but nothing drastic - i.e. if I was a smoker I would give up.  I used to get these pains when I wore a compression sleeve on my left arm but gave up because of shoulder pain/same stabbing pains.  I know this is a sign of healing in the early days but my surgery was in June 2007 and its now 2011 - does anyone else have the same probs.  I also keep suffering back/hip pain and am waiting to see orthopaedic surgeon to find out what is going on.  I know everyone on here is so supportive and thank you to anyone with breast cancer who may be able to help me.  Happy New Year to you all in any event and god bless. Ann

  • FormerMember

    Good morning ladies and gentleman and thanks for your feedback.  I am not worried now as I have found other people who have same symptoms so I'll give myself a kick up the aris and get on with it.  Thank you all so much, your comments really have helped me and I will you all the very best for yourselves.  Onwards and upwards to us all.  Ann x

    ps. Sarsfield you are always there with a kind word no matter what  you much be going through - cheers to you. Ann

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann

    In reading this, it has calmed my mind also as I get these and surgeon told me it was the healing process etc etc etc. But I know how sharp they can be. I was advised that massage,light excersise and cream loads of it are the keys to preventing tightening and help with circulation. I also had full auxilla clearance.

    I am on Letrozole. What I was wondering is have you been put on a bone protection tablet at all?  I have taken off the duvet and went back to sheets and blankets and it has helped re sweats at night as duvet was far to heavy and made me sweat more.

    Take Care Ann and hope you get pain control back in your control again. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Carrot Tops and thanks so much for your reply; I am not on anything for my cancer (2007), I just take pain relief like its going out of fashion, prozac, amiltryptiline and zopiclone.  The sweats really are awful but they are becoming less often so I wonder whether the Letrozole for you is adding to the sweats.  Anyway, knowing my symptoms are not unique gives me confidence and  hope - a dose of which everyone on here deserves big time.  Take care, Ann x