Breast Cancer Reconstruction

1 minute read time.
Well, I've made it - had breast cancer, mastectomy, lymph nodes removed - no chemo as caught infection which nearly killed me so had radio. and Herceptin for 1 year.  Anyway, here I am with permanent lymphodaema in left arm, dreadful joint pain from arthritis and thinking about having reconstruction to left breast!  Can anyone give me advice as I am wondering whether it will be worth it - two boobs instead of one - at the risk of further infection from surgery.  Will I look better, feel better about myself or will I just be dicing with what I have now?.  My breast cancer was diagnosed in 2007 - grade 3 with 5 lymph nodes positive out of the axillary clearance.  Should I just thank my lucky stars I am here to tell the story or let my vanity get the better of me.  My husband says it isn't worth it at my age 50!  He just can't bear the thought of not having his dinner made for him/washing done on time/house clean.  I just want my clothes to fit nicely.  Maybe it's time to say goodbye to Macland and move on.  Good luck to all those people at the start of their treatment and hope someone can give me some positive feedback.  Keep well as possible everyone, God bless, Ann x
  • Oh Ann, you sound so down and I feel for you at this moment. Please take time and consider what is best for YOU. You are the most important person in this situation. Okay, you have to consider others feelings but at the end of the day you are the VIP.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Anne. 50 is still young and you have alot of living to do as the woman you are.

    My cancer was different to yours but 2 months before I was diagnosed I had had a tummy tuck and a boob reduction.

    Both went extremely well and I feel much better for it.

    Do you have to decide now or can it be put off for a while?

    If you can deferr making a decision then why not do that and make it when you feel more well in yourself.

    Give yourself time to get over the shock of having your breast removed and a cancer diagnosis.

    I wish you luck in your decision.

    Please don't leave the site yet as it is obvious that you still need our support.

    Take Care Love Julie XX

  • Hi Anne

    I had mx and full clearance of the axillar in 2008 followed by chemo and rt.

    Finished treatment in Nov 08 and am now on Arimidex.

    Had my breast reconstuction on 31/3/2010 and it looks wonderful.

    It has given me much more confidence and its great wearing low cut tops again and a swimsuit without "pockets"

    I was 60 when I had the reconstruction which used my back muscle plus an implant.  

    Not a pleasant operation but i am so pleased I had it done.

    Good luck.

    Sue xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann, I am also 50. If you want you can alsways talk to your breast care team/nurse even now. There are so many types of reconstruction available.... body tissue and silicon etc it is your choice. I did have body tissue from the buttock area as not much of me and although I have been very tired and had full auxillary cvlearance of which 12 out of the 14 removed had cancer in them as well as one from my collar bone/neck area, I am starting to feel a wee bit better and glad that I went through reconstruction. I do admire women who may not feel that this is for them, but there are prothestics available or softies as they call them. I still wear mine just to give me some comfort at moment until it fully takes shape. I hope you come to your own decision, but it is worthwhile asking your breast care team as you are obvious not too sure one way or the other. Take Care meantime xxx Donna    

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann,

    You have already had the answer mate - its got to be up to you - if you are good and feel confident, if Hubby is good with you now - then don't have surgery just for vanitry reasons. Hubby loves you for being you and he really does love the inner you Mate.

    Bet he has put on weight and lost hair since you married ! - you still love him ? Or maybe he need hair implant and lyposuction to turn you on these days.  You do what you feel good with - not what you think other want.

    Love and Hugs

    John xx