Breast Cancer Reconstruction

1 minute read time.
Well, I've made it - had breast cancer, mastectomy, lymph nodes removed - no chemo as caught infection which nearly killed me so had radio. and Herceptin for 1 year.  Anyway, here I am with permanent lymphodaema in left arm, dreadful joint pain from arthritis and thinking about having reconstruction to left breast!  Can anyone give me advice as I am wondering whether it will be worth it - two boobs instead of one - at the risk of further infection from surgery.  Will I look better, feel better about myself or will I just be dicing with what I have now?.  My breast cancer was diagnosed in 2007 - grade 3 with 5 lymph nodes positive out of the axillary clearance.  Should I just thank my lucky stars I am here to tell the story or let my vanity get the better of me.  My husband says it isn't worth it at my age 50!  He just can't bear the thought of not having his dinner made for him/washing done on time/house clean.  I just want my clothes to fit nicely.  Maybe it's time to say goodbye to Macland and move on.  Good luck to all those people at the start of their treatment and hope someone can give me some positive feedback.  Keep well as possible everyone, God bless, Ann x
  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    just to let you know there is life after a mastectomy. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, had mastectomy( right side) and luckily for me no chemo or radiotherapy, just Tamoxifen for five years.

    I absolutely hated wearing the prothesis and was lucky to be one of the first women to have reconstruction done by a new surgeon brought down to Cornwall from Worcester.

    I am so glad I had it done and will reply in more detail if you pm me.

    Much love



  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann,

    You do what is best for you Ann,what will make you happier and more content??.  The choice is yours,good luck in whichever you choose.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember


    Just at the same stage of wondering is it worth it as you are, Same story but as yours but right side and did manage the chemo as well, At the moment I'm on the side of it isn't worth it but realise in the future I may feel different as just finished my chemo and rt.

    I am 44 and hubby says it's totally my choice. So I will watch this blog and listen to the experiences of others.


    Maxine x

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone - i am now 48 and had a mastectomy 6 yrs ago followed by chemo and radio - like you i have agonised over whether to have recon - and like you Maxine,my husband has always said its totally upto me. well upto now i havent gone for surgery - i dont particularly want more surgery and until i am 100% sure i feel i shoud stay as i am - just glad to be here evn if with only 1 breast!

    Everyone has their own thoughts and feels differerntly there is no rihght or wrong - just dont rush into anything, especially when your mind and thoughts might be all over the place.

    Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply - I asked my daughter this evening what she felt - "I don't want you to have it done, I'm afraid you might be ill again and if that happened I would surely end up in a mental institution". Well, for the time being at least, I think I should listen to her feelings and find out all I can before doing anything.  Thanks Sarsfield, you are always kind and ladies, all the best to you, thanks too.  I guess we all come to the right decision in the end.  Ann xx