
Less than one minute read time.

Well, Dads treatments has been postponed whilst they get to the bottome of whats making him so tired and so breathless.  He went into hospital on monday for tests to his heart.  He (and us) had it in our heads that they would do tests, adjust his heart tablets and his energy levels would pick up.  When does anything go the way you want it to go???

Dad's heart is fine.  He is now waiting for a ct scan on his lungs.  A while ago, a doctor commented that there was a "mark" on his lungs but nothing was done.

So more waiting and more fearing and more helplessness.

This is soooo hard

  • FormerMember

    Hi, my dad is on clinical trials for metastatic bladder cancer and he too is constantly tired/sleeping and gets breathless. He also takes heart medication and his ECG etc has been fine which the doctors were worried about. They have said that the drugs appear to be shrinking his abdominal lymph nodes (where the disease has spread to) although there's been no mention of the disease being anywhere else. He's back at the Royal Marsden today for a CT scan.

    I can definitely relate to your feelings of fear and helplessness. It also makes me angry that a strong energetic man is now reduced to a tired shell who seems to be giving up.  

    Sending you best wishes and I'll keep my fingers crossed for your dad x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen,

    I have said it more than once the hardest part of having cancer is the waiting for the result of the tests.

    Stay strong and look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Many thanks for you lovely comments and best wishes.  

    Dad had a ct scan on his lungs this afternoon and is still waiting for the doctor to complete her rounds to find out the results.  I hate leaving him after visitng hours.