new to this blogging - new to this exposing my feelings

1 minute read time.

Dad is 2 and a half years into life with cancer.  he has inoperable, incurable cancer of the gullet.  Still dont think i have come to terms with the fact that this horrid illness is going to take my dad away from me.

I feel sad.  I feel angry.  I feel helpless.  I feel inadequate.  Who do i look out for?  My dad who is clearly suffering?  My mam who is suffering by watching the love of her life suffer?  My 9 year old daughter who loves her grandad to bits and cannot understand why he isnt as playful as normal?  And of course there is me?  My dad is my hero.  He is in pain and suffering and i dont know how to help.

Dad has completed 2 courses of chemo that have done their job in preventing the cancer growing significantly.  But the last course made him unwell so no more were scheduled.  Just recently my dad started a chemo trial "thing".  I feel ignorant of the details cos dad doesnt talk about it at all.  But he's suffering and he didnt have the last course of treatment cos he is breathless and tired.  The doctors want to make sure the treatment isnt causing these symptoms.

I visited my mam and dad today.  Dad slept through the visit - waking every once in a while to add a comment to the conversation.  I kissed him goodbye but he didnt respond.  Seeing him huddled into himself is so heartbreaking.

My mam has been coping so so so well - watching dads diet, maintaining his weight, keeping his spirits up.  But this recent slump in my dad has hit her hard.  I feel for her on so many levels.  Next week I am taking my mam to Jimmie's Macmillan centre.  I think i am hoping for a miracle.  At the very least - a magic wand to rid the world of this dreadful disease!

  • FormerMember

    hi karen, i found out my dad had cancer in december 2010, and as with your dad, my dad was my hero too. You will feel very angry and upset by this as did i, i know you probably heard this before, but just being there with your mum and dad is helping them. It really is very upsetting, and nothing anybody says to you will make you feel better, but please if you ever want to talk i will listen..I will be thinking of you..xx

  • FormerMember

    thank you Debbie R.  i said before that my dad is my hero - thats half of it! my dad is everythingl  i hate that cancer is hurting him. but i also hate that my mam is hurting too.  she is fighting the symptoms of cancer but cancer is f'in winning and that hurts.  i dont know who to look after and i dont know what to do either way!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen,

    My thoughts are with you and your family tonight. But what ever you do do get yourself worked up or you will end up being ill, and then you wont be able to comfort anyone.

    But most of all dont forget your Daughter she will probably

    need her Mum more now than ever. So try not to put yourself about too much, share your time with each of them and keep some me time for yourself.

    Look after yourself. Keep in touch. If you want to talk there is always someone here to listen.

    Tale care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen

    Just like you I am very new to blogging this is the very first comment I have written on this site.  Like you my father was diagnosed with cancer last year and its very difficult to accept and even talk about.  My thoughts are with you and if you ever want to talk please get in touch.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen. My hubby had that cancer you need to get a mac nurse to help your mother out ours was a great help.Telling us what to give him although he couldnt eat much and he was in the hospice for pain control which helped as well.Try and get help to make him as comfortable as possible. If i can help in anyway just get in touch or come onto chat. Take care love June_mxxxx