not waving but drowning

  • because I can't think of anything helpful to say to Hilary (or anybody else!)


    I can't imagine the horrendousness of having cancer myself. I can, of course, send hugs and love and hope this photo of my stepgrandson and Wee Dug searching for The Meaning Of LIfe makes somebody smile.

    love to all my new mac family


  • slipping away


    There have been some developments with DIL in the last few days. He has become even more immobile and unresponsive. He complains of pains pretty much everywhere now. I don't understand this since we were told he was on morphine (oramorph, I think) and I had hoped that would blot it all out. The care home says the dosage may need to be adjusted as he is much sleepier (suggesting the dose is too high, maybe? but then…

  • a Taiwanese menagerie (dogs, cats, a baby, what's not to like?)


    This is Daisy, my stepgranddaughter in Taiwan. Her daddy is J's son and her mum Lucy is Taiwanese. The dachshund is Cooper, the other dog (a stray daddy rescued from the street) is Kai. The standing cat is Alabama and the other cat is Indiana. Daisy's middle name is Indiana too... Hope this makes somebody smile :) I miss her. Only met her once, last xmas, but skype weekly. x x x

  • feeling small


    Oh dear, how I need a hug right now. A big, squashy one from somebody who loves me and understands.

    Well, obviously that's not going to happen in the 3D world! Husband has gone out to the pub with his mate to watch football and will go on a long walk with him and Wee Dug for most of tomorrow. My kids choose not to have anything to do with their grandfather's anniversary, the inlaws and stepkids have nothing to do with…

  • jolly holidays


    This is the first time I've blogged: I've hummed & hawed about it for days and hope it will be useful to me or even better to somebody else...

    My (absolutely gorgeous) 3rd husband retired in 2008 and started voluntary work with the National Trust as well as doing masses of long-distance walking, a favourite hobby. He and I had been together since 2005, both veterans of 2 failed marriages each, both with 3…