Can not forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 minute read time.

Yesterday was bloody awful in our house, all my other half and I do at the moment is get stressed at one another.

For those of you who don't know me on mac, I had breast cancer back in 2004 and I finally finished my treatment last March 2011, and although I have done really well and am cancer free I have got myself into a bit of a rut with panic and agoraphobia which I am getting treatment for.

Agoraphobia has reduced my world to a very small space and going anywhere away from home is difficult, but doable with a bit of help and the more I do it the easier it will become.

The thing is I feel my other half is not helping me and is at the end of his tether.

We are meant to get me out at every opportunity that we can, like drive the car to the supermarket or drive into town at the weekend, just so my driving and interaction with the world outside becomes easier for me, but he will do things like get the shopping after he has been to the health club and when it comes to the weekend he will say that there is not a lot of petrol in the car and we don't have much money so we can't go out, we never go anywhere , he never took me out even when  we did have a bit of money and I didn't have agoraphbia, don't get me wrong he is a really lovely bloke and everyone who meets him thinks he is so nice and he is but he gets so stressed at everything and rightly so because his captain of his ship has handed over the wheel and become second mate.

His mother did everything for him growing up and his father is one of those very strict type of men who has had his dinner on the table at the same time every day for the last hundred years, very different to my parents. His mother constantly covers up for other halves mistakes and they tell little white lies so he will not find out because they are all scared of him (the father).

Well I have found myself in the middle of these white lies lately and the angry and bitterness I feel toward his family is spilling over onto my relationship with my other half and it does not help that his father hates me and thinks I am the scum of the earth.

I just feel very alone at the moment with none of my family around and since my agoraphobia and cancer a lot of my friends have moved on with there lives and are busy doing other things, and cause we don't have a lot of money because I can't work we don't get asked to things anymore, maybe I am a bad person that is as horrible as my other halves family think I am, but I think you give out bad vibes to people that know you can see their own weaknesses.

Before I came on here not one of my family ever said well done for getting through the cancer and we are so glad you did!!!!!!!

I find myself at a cross roads, I hope I can choose the right path and also how can I find the strength to do it on my own when I have nothing left?????????????

I don't think I deserve to be treated in this way.

This was more a blog to myself and a bit of a rant, maybe it will make a bit of sense to someone.


  • FormerMember

    Hils and Cruton, you always know what to say and when to say it. Oh and Hils you go ahead and put your foot in it!!!!!!

    Love you all to bits xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Just popped over to say goodnight lovely lady. You stand tall and proud cos bullies are just that and there's nothing behind them so don't take any crap from fil or anyone else. And remember if you can through cancer, then idiotic blokes are a breeze. You kicked cancers arse and that gives you enough courage and strength to fight anything cos compared to cancer the rest is nowt! Plus you've got a bunch of loons and one in a red dress in particular right behind you pulling faces and throwing meatballs at anyone who is not nice to you so you are never alone. Sleep well LM aka the Blimp xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Oh Roobs, I'm sorry I have only just found this or I would have replied sooner.

    Firstly, thankyou for being Roobs and for all the kind and helpful things you have said on this site. We have followed your struggles on this site and been proud of your achievements. I remember that trip to Edinburgh and the courage it took to undertake it, especially with us lot in the back singing loony songs (Sory I was out of tune).

    You are one of the loveliest ladies I know and just thankyou for joining this site and letting us get to know you.

    You will never ask too much of your friends on here, so never even consider it.

    I'm so sorry to learn of even more trouble on your doorstep; as others have said you do not deserve it or especially now, need it.

    I'm a man, so cannot explain the reactions of men, but from my own experience I know that having cancer will put your relationship with OH under stress. You are dealing now with the aftermath, but as LM says you kicked cancer's arse and you will get through this.

    As for the inlaws, you don't need 'em! If they can't see what a great person you are then keep ouy of their way.

    I hope you and P are soon in harmony again and that you can make him understand that you need his help.

    Love and big hugs,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh dear Roobs, sorry I didn't find this blog till this morning.

    By now, i've read all your replies and our friends on here are so wise and supporting aren't they.  So I will simply reinforce that you are a lovely friend and your warmth and kindhearted nature shines through on here.  Keep climbing that steep, steep hill despite the obsticles (OH), and we are all here for you always, just like you are there for us.

    Huge hugs and much love

    Jan xxxxxxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Booby Ruby

    Sorry to have dropped in so late, but I'm just about managing to read everyone's blogs, and a quick comment on status updates (so apologies to EVERYONE, I do read everything when it comes into my inbox, but just haven't been able to write to you all)

    You are a marvel and you are reacting normally. Getting cancer and going through numerous treatments is like a Tsunami. There is the initial storm and destruction, and then the big clear up....which takes much longer, maybe years.

    I had to get used to going out alone, and getting over the fear that I was going to be run over every time I crossed the road. I still dislike driving (though I have to drive back from town for the first time tomorrow, and I'm already panicking) and do as little as possible.

    You have a caveman! My hubby has been like that for the last 3 years, and it wasn't helped by his father's death and his mother relying on him very heavily ever since. My in-laws treated me like a leper, and I stay away as much as possible, but hubby is an only child and would not abandon his mother despite all else. Again, he is really a good person, and I did feel like I couldn't take anymore last year, but.......

    Hubby has realised that it is more fun out of the cave, and we are starting to enjoy life again. We have been away for the last 3 weekends, and have booked our first real holiday since before I was ill.

    I found that even with supportive family members I could not really talk about how I was post cancer.....the fears that we are still living with cancer etc.....and it is only the lovely people here that listened and understood.

    You are surrounded by love, although nothing makes up for a proper hug. I hope your caveman soon comes to his senses too.


    Louise xxxxx