Can not forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 minute read time.

Yesterday was bloody awful in our house, all my other half and I do at the moment is get stressed at one another.

For those of you who don't know me on mac, I had breast cancer back in 2004 and I finally finished my treatment last March 2011, and although I have done really well and am cancer free I have got myself into a bit of a rut with panic and agoraphobia which I am getting treatment for.

Agoraphobia has reduced my world to a very small space and going anywhere away from home is difficult, but doable with a bit of help and the more I do it the easier it will become.

The thing is I feel my other half is not helping me and is at the end of his tether.

We are meant to get me out at every opportunity that we can, like drive the car to the supermarket or drive into town at the weekend, just so my driving and interaction with the world outside becomes easier for me, but he will do things like get the shopping after he has been to the health club and when it comes to the weekend he will say that there is not a lot of petrol in the car and we don't have much money so we can't go out, we never go anywhere , he never took me out even when  we did have a bit of money and I didn't have agoraphbia, don't get me wrong he is a really lovely bloke and everyone who meets him thinks he is so nice and he is but he gets so stressed at everything and rightly so because his captain of his ship has handed over the wheel and become second mate.

His mother did everything for him growing up and his father is one of those very strict type of men who has had his dinner on the table at the same time every day for the last hundred years, very different to my parents. His mother constantly covers up for other halves mistakes and they tell little white lies so he will not find out because they are all scared of him (the father).

Well I have found myself in the middle of these white lies lately and the angry and bitterness I feel toward his family is spilling over onto my relationship with my other half and it does not help that his father hates me and thinks I am the scum of the earth.

I just feel very alone at the moment with none of my family around and since my agoraphobia and cancer a lot of my friends have moved on with there lives and are busy doing other things, and cause we don't have a lot of money because I can't work we don't get asked to things anymore, maybe I am a bad person that is as horrible as my other halves family think I am, but I think you give out bad vibes to people that know you can see their own weaknesses.

Before I came on here not one of my family ever said well done for getting through the cancer and we are so glad you did!!!!!!!

I find myself at a cross roads, I hope I can choose the right path and also how can I find the strength to do it on my own when I have nothing left?????????????

I don't think I deserve to be treated in this way.

This was more a blog to myself and a bit of a rant, maybe it will make a bit of sense to someone.


  • FormerMember

    Oh Ruby ....... never, ever put yourself down because you are a lovely lady ! I am just so sorry that your in-laws are blind to this fact - maybe they can't / won't accept all that you have been through and indeed, to a point, are still going through with the emotional issues. Yes, after my treatment I didn't like going out and felt so much safer staying at home - but eventually I was able to pick up the reins again and do things for myself, so I can understand how you feel sometimes.

    Afraid that we can't chose our families, but we can try and get on with our own lives in spite of them - just don't stop being the lovely Ruby ...... chin up, sweetheart !

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dearest Ruby, so sorry to hear about the family issues. You can really do without it, can't you?

    I was so lucky that my long suffering family definitely came to my aid when I needed it, as did one of my inlaws, and many friends and acquaintances who became good friends as a result of me having cancer.

    As for HM (His Majesty), he felt so helpless that he stuck his head in the sand and let others take the strain. At one point, he said, you're not the same person I married, I don't recognise you anymore. That cut me to the quick.... But in hindsight, he just didn't know what to do and I was better off getting the support elsewhere in the end.

    None of this is your fault and if I was able to drop everything and come and find you, we could go out together somewhere. Maybe one day?

    Anyway, my point through all this rambling, is to say that I found it helpful to look at my cancer and subsequent issues as a crossroads in my life, a chance to re-think things, use the past as a learning experience and move forward in the knowledge I had come out of it a more whole and definitely better person. HM still sticks his head in the sand, I just have to vacuum the sand out of his hair on a regular basis!

    Roll on the longer blue sky days which might tempt you out a bit.

    Be strong and take care.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you all so very much for being my friends and giving the emotional support that you give me and sometimes I need a lot, but really this is the only place I get it from, so if I start to take too much please give me a wee nudge. I truly hope I give as much support back as I take.

    I would love to meet you all, one day when we are all better maybe xxxxx

    Booby xxxxx

    You really do keep me going !!!!!

  • FormerMember

    I have a tendency to be not-very-impressed with my Mac friends other halves and have to keep my mouth firmly shut lest I put my foot in it. Ooops. I just opened it. Pretend I said nothing ...


  • Hello my friend I cannot really add to what others have already said and apologies for being a bit late your blog came up this morning but when I went to look at it there wasn't anything there.Can I just say what ever you need to do you will never ever have to do it alone as I and so many others will be there with you and you are a lovely lovely lady never never never think you are what those awful people say you are the FIL sounds like he is nothing but a school yard bully who rules by fear so I would imagine that others fear him not love him and probably not even like him were people may not fear you but like and love you and I would say that it's better to be loved than feared.So much love and huge hugs Cruton xxxxx