Human strawberry plant

2 minute read time.

According to my haematologist B Cell lymphomas on the skin look like little strawberries, so I guess that means I'm now a human strawberry plant? I wanted to come back as a penguin or a cat in my next life but in this i am basically the world's most useless superhero. Even Aquaman is more impressive than a ginger growing strawberries. What can you use this super power for? Oh yes, I can save the poor strawberry-less people at Wimbledon. What a super hero! I can save exactly zero people...good for me.

Personally I am not sure they do look like strawberries but i suppose it is a sweet idea. Slightly put off with the news they can grow on your face since I might wind up looking like a rhinoceros. I'm continuing to stare intently at the various lumps and bumps on my body but I'm pretty sure we're still at 4 which is somewhat of a relief. 

We had a quiet, relaxed day for my fiancé's birthday and we had a relatively cancer chat free day which was fab. I'd like to say that since yesterday I have magically dealt with all the uncertainty left over from the news that there are no tumours lurking beneath the surface that I can't see, but it may take a little longer. Is it weird that I feel a both very fortunate and very guilty for catching it when it's only skin deep? It's probably counterproductive if nothing else. Cancer so far has been like riding the sickest roller coaster. Sure you get the dodgy photo momento too but it's mainly of your insides and they don't give you the opportunity to put your arms in the air and make a silly face.

The positive news means I'm no longer in any rush to share the news with anyone else. I know it isn't over and maybe it never won't be if I'm making a lifetime commitment to haematology (I haven't even made that made that much commitment to my partner yet) but the urgency of the fear is subsiding which is helpful. I'm getting ahead of myself but I do have a tendancy to plan when I'm stressed. The lesson? Scare me enough and I'll get anything done! Might not share that one though.

We're out with friends tonight to celebrate the birthday so hopefully it'll be another step in the right direction. I've dyed my hair in celebration of the fact I almost definitely won't be losing it anytime soon. 

  • FormerMember
    Hello Hun, my daughter at the age of 2 did actually did look like a human strawberry!! She developed a condition called 'henoch schonlein purpura' which is the white blood cells fighting an infection after it has actually gone. They then decide to attack the blood vessels under the skin, and my poor two year old was covered from the neck down in a blotchy red rash, which did resemble a large strawberry!! Thankfully she recovered quickly, as kids do, and has only had a couple of re-occurances of it. Cancer is indeed a roller coaster. The ride of a lifetime (literally), and one which can take you through the ghost train for good measure. I have looked at so many pictures of my insides, but I don't see any smiley faces on there! Just a lot of areas in different shades of grey! I look at them and nod in agreement with the consultant and hope he knows what he is on about because 'cos I sure don't. Have a good night out Hun xxx
  • FormerMember

    Thanks my love. Bless your daughter! I'm glad she got better :)

    I suppose we'd be more concerned if we really did see smiley faces in the pictures. The last thing you need to hear is that a family of borrowers has moved in as well! Xx