Cancer Brain - Gone but not Forgotten

1 minute read time.
Yesterday I had rather lovely reminder of the effect cancer treatment had on me several months ago. Simply forgetting to go and see Derren Brown (a Christmas present to Hairy) when I was in the grips of the fear I was a goner obviously made me determined to give myself the best possible shot of attending future shows because I opened my post yesterday night to discover that I hadn't purchased tickets to see Dave Gorman next month just once. No, I discovered I had in fact bought tickets for the same show, on the same night twice but remarkably not the same number of seats nor from the same company (which incidentally I also managed to do during cancer brain). So now Hairy and I have two and a half seats each for our own single bottoms to make use of (or more sensibly sell 3 of them). I did suggest a game of interval musical chairs but no one seems game. Still, if it comes to it maybe I'll strike it lucky and discover Dave Gorman has a prize for the most number of seats occupied by bottom during a single performance! Aside from my compulsion to purchase multiple tickets for shows without any recollection of doing so, generally things are good. I bought Hairy an e-cig as a compromise to his not so secret smoking and apparently the kitten is disease free, so it's just me letting the side down on that front now! I'm suddenly knackered again so a list of blood tests as long as your arm are arranged to work out what more I could be harbouring. I suppose the trouble is if you have cancer and asthma that's the start of a set and often they lead to collections. My body might well be dissatisfied with my collection of shoes and have embarked on a collection of diseases instead. I guess I have to give it points for the impressive; no one has EVER got tied up in knot over my shoes and honestly some of them are beautiful! Onwards we go!