Attempting to Stop Thinking

2 minute read time.

We're in the Peak District and it's lovely. If you like greenery, hills and birdsong this is basically paradise. I'm desperately trying to enjoy myself instead of focusing on the weirdness going on in my neck. It's not really working as well as I'd like. I keep trying to remind myself that really if you think about the likelihood of illnesses, cancer around my voice box sounds really less likely than a lot of other, far less serious illnesses because after all, I've got lymphoma. I mean yes it absolutely could have sprouted there now but surely my body would be 100% freaky if it started in my arm and then moved to my voice box, completely bypassing my lymph nodes.

Of course it might well be cancer. It might well be stress but since it's there permanently I really don't think it is. I really need to stop obsessing over this. I see the oncologist tomorrow afternoon; I'll ask about it then. What a difference a day makes as the song says...with this, probably not a lot really. So chill out you weirdo! I might do if it didn't hurt. I'm guessing if it hurts though that's more likely to be a virus or something. I'm really hoping I just have a bug. Lord I've become a full blown hypochrondiac with all this haven't I.


Anyway, today we are off to see a blue stone cave apparently. I have to say I do really like caves so I'm quite looking forward to it. They have blue stones growing in them apparently. Maybe we could just polish one up and put it in my engagement ring while we're there? Perhaps not! We've met up with my mum and the rest while we're staying here and I had a mahoosive hug with her yesterday when I saw her. She's good for hugs. I guess I've been a little bit hard on her. Now I'm scared shitless she's exactly what I want (providing she doesn't give me her freaked out face). Bless her face! She's supporting my fur baby mission (which I think I might have won in record time without argument or incident). To be fair there was never going to be any opposition from my mum we had a zoo full all through my childhood and even now they've got a dog, 2 cats, 2 rabbits and a pond full of fish.

There really is so much to be pleased about. I really want to shift this terrified feeling in the pit of my stomach and the weird feeling in my neck. Must stop thinking about it. This is how bizarre complexes start.

What else then?

The car isn't behaving so that's something else to pay for. I'm not sure this being an adult lark is half as much fun as they make out it is when you're a child. There's so much to pay for and clean and you're not allowed to push someone over, stick your tongue out and run away when they upset you. I'm aware that pushing people over would probably not be terribly helpful at work but I'm fairly certain it worked well enough when I was 7.

I'm off to meet 2 siamese cats that need to be rehomed before we go home so I've got everything crossed that they're about to join the household of Hairy and Ginge.

Happy Monday everyone!

  • FormerMember
    Im hoping your neck problem is in your mind, but get it check out even if it means pushing over one of the radiologist nurses without running away , they should be able to get an appointment for you, Otherwise it drive you more crazy, Good luck in getting your cats
  • FormerMember
    Awwwww, Hairy and Ginge!! I love them already :-) You must call them those names, even though they probably already have posh Siamese names. I lost one of my darling cats a couple of months after I finished treatment. I'm sure she hung on until I was strong enough to cope with the loss. I didn't, still miss her terribly :-(. My other cat still looks a bit lost without her. Are you sure you just haven't got some sort of tonsillitis or virus hun. It could be you have got a bit run down and have picked up something. You will think everything you have is cancer. Most likely it's not. Every time I cough I have lung cancer. Every stomach ache is bowel, liver, stomach or whatever else is in that area, cancer! Of course it's not, but once you have been crossed with the 'c' word even a simple spot on your chin is an issue! As you are seeing your oncologist tomorrow I would get them to have a look, or sort you out a scan appointment. I know it's useless to say it, but try not to worry hunny. Worry is a waste of precious energy and won't change anything. I'm glad your weekend went well and I am well jel about the cats ;-). Hoping your appointment tomorrow goes ok. Sending you some sparkle to get you through the day. Lots of love xxx
  • FormerMember

    I'm no medical expert, but having extensively googled neck lumps over the past 2 months i would say that it's the painless ones you've got to watch for. Make sure you get it checked out tomorrow xxx good luck xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks guys. I'm getting it checked out asap but hopefully it's nothing.

    The cats have settled in really well so I'm pleased about that. They've been very helpful to keep me busy and stop me freaking out so much! xxxx