Another Day

1 minute read time.

So aside from being 50 shades of crazy last night I think it's all good. I can't get that image out of my head, what a fruit loop but I suppose you can't be good at everything. 

I have no idea if HP could tell I'd lost my face to the dark side for several hours while he was out, if he did he did me the kindness of not mentioning it. Bless him, he's the sort of person that doesn't believe in feelings. The idea that you'd acknowledge any sort of weakness in your unwavering faith that everything will be just fine is simply unacceptable. It sounds like I'm being awful and I don't mean to be. I know why he's that way so you just work around it.

Anyway, today I'll mainly be playing the role of Sleepy McSnoozeypants since I didn't get much sleep. Weird dreams again. This time I had moved into a house with a load of other people and they put a huge lock on the door so you couldn't escape. One of the men living in the house had bought some kind of destructive mole and hidden it under the house so it'd collapse with a few of us in. I ended up tearing up the carpet and the floor boards to look for an escape but all I found was old boardgames and love letters. Then I think I must have woken and started a new dream because then I was in a corner shop with someone. My mum had cancer and she seemed fine but suddenly died with no real warning. I'd made her tea but she was gone and the end was particularly violent. It was like she'd just burst. Then I was back in that house and I couldn't stop crying because my mum was dead but no one would understand and I thought they knew but every time I told them it was like the first time. I think I probably feel guilty for finding my mum hard to get on with. She loves me very much but she's got problems and I find her frustrating. Hmmm anyway, aside from the dreams of a total weirdo, hopefully today will be better. After all, I've got people to smile at!

  • FormerMember

    So true moomy. It's not as though I expected a dedicated hotline for my every concern but I can't imagine turning my back on a single one of them which is exactly why I told the people I did; they were the ones I would have thought were close enough to share this news. It isn't all bad at all, I do have some lovely friends who are doing their best. It's probably grossly unfair to put this on them. Xxx