Looking for an open ear or two!

1 minute read time.

I was diagnosed with Carcinoid Cancer in March 2010. I had it in 2004 as well but had both tumors removed. My surgeon was 110% sure he got it all! Wrong! This time there is no chance of surgery, to many tumors.  When I was diagnosed I was told I had 4 inoperable tumors between my right lung & my liver. I thought my life was over at that point. I decided to go to CTCA (Cancer Treatment Centers of America) for a 2nd opinion. There I had a PET Scan. This showed that I didn't have 4 tumors, I had 20 to 30!! I didn't know what to say or do then!! I just went numb all over.

I received Sandostatin injections from April 2010 to June 2011. I had a CT Scan in July 2011 which showed my cancer had spread. So much for having a slow growing cancer! I have this disease in 6 different places now: liver, both lungs, lower spine, left breast, cervix & uterus. I now take 2 different chemo pills. One of which really gets me down, mentally & physically. It is bad enough having this disease but not being able to talk to anyone about it makes it worse. I believe my husband is still in denial, my daughter won't talk about it, my son will on occasion. I have opened up to a sister-in-law once. Her responses make me think she believes I am dying. Needless to say I don't talk to her about how I feel anymore.

I have days where I just want to scream, cry, throw things, curl up & hide & whatever else you can imagine but noone to talk to about it to help me through. I feel I am supposed to keep everything bottled up inside & not speak of it.

I know someone out there knows how I feel. I am just looking for a place to vent & someone to talk to that understands.

  • FormerMember

    hiya...I was a bit like this first time around....everything I said kept upsetting my family so I zipped up....not this time though....I've been open about everything to my family, especially my kids....we make jokes that would really upset other people....but that's our way I suppose.....

    I'll send you a friend request and you can message me...or just keep writing your blogs...you need to get this out somehow....and there will always be people on this site who will listen and offer advice...

    best wishes...jackie xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Chansey! I really didn't think I would get any response this fast! I know what you mean about the joking part. I have what is called osteolytic & osteoblastic lesions on my lower spine. From what I have read doing research on these lesions, the lytic could continue eating holes in my spine eventually getting to my spinal cord. I used to joke around about getting a motorized wheelchair. My husband & my sis-in-law would get very mad & tell me I shouldn't say things like that. But like I told them I have to keep the humor in it when I can or else I am going to be a basket case! They just don't understand.

    Please do send me a friend request! I would like that very much!

  • FormerMember

    hiya again...I sent you a friend request, you just need to accept it and we'll be pals for life......ha ha

    best wishes jackie

  • FormerMember

    hiya...I've got a macmillan nurse coming round next week with my disability forms...I'm not allowed to drive at the moment because of the brain tumor....and I can't walk far because of the one in my lung..so I'm going to try and nominate my son as driver and get a car so that I can still go out...

    Its nice that my family are helping me a lot but I would still rather do my own shopping if I could...they get a bit too much sometimes and won't let me do anything.....

    My ex husband came round today with a christmas tree ...so he stayed for tea but made a right mess with washing up...the sink was blocked up with food afterwards....so I had a bigger job clearing all that away.....most men are definately useless...I've sent him home now so I can relax..don't want him getting his big feet back under the table...!!!

    I don't know your name...mine's Jackie   xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jackie! I hope this finds feeling a little better. I can understand you wanting to do your own shopping. I have been there a few times myself. It is good to have family around that is willing to help you, or us I should say. I don't know what I would do without them.
