
1 minute read time.

Well, one good thing is, it's Bank Holiday Monday and it isn't raining!
I am feeling a tad sorry for myself today, whilst laughing at myself for doing so  ;)
It's the Hickman line, kind of getting in the way; I can't lift things, move my arm properly, and it gets sore and makes me tired... grump grump grump!
And yesterday, by 8pm, I was yawning so much too...totally exhausted! And I was in bed by 9.30 - maybe having two lots of visitors and bathing the dog was all too much?! It was so nice to see everyone... maybe I just need to pace myself a bit more?
Tomorrow I have to organise taking my middle daughter (13) shopping for school stuff and hopefully meeting Lynne for coffee, around getting my bloods done at the hospital. Grump grump grump again! Then Wednesday, round two of chemo. My mum is going to have the kids Wednesday night/Thurs day, whether I feel tired or not, so I hope to catch up on sleep and practice loafing about a bit more ;)
Once we get the CT scan results and know how many months my treatment is for, (currently they think 6 treatments, one a fortnight, keeping fingers crossed) we are hoping to book a family (me, kids, parents etc) holiday to Lanzarote! Hopefully in February (big grin) - a good plan and something nice to look forward to.......

  • FormerMember

    Sorry you are feeling sorry for yourself and I know it will pass cos I have been too (at least your sorry for yourself blogs are shorter than mine :o)

    Pace yourself dear, chemo does take it out of you and glad your mum is helping. Don't too much though  will you? Need to be fit enough for you hols!

    when do you get the CT results? will keep my fingers crossed for you

    Big hug

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh I am sure to have Long Blog Moments too ;) heehee, and I may even ge tall inspired and write a kinda poemy thingy (do you like my technical terminology?)

    I have chemo on Wed (number 2) so hopefully get results then too :)

    Big Hugs to you too xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad, you are sooooo entitled to feel sorry for yourself from time, just ask Little My she pulls out the cancer card at every turn lol.

    You do have to learn to pace yourself as time goes on. Just remember that chemo is cumulative and if tiredness is one of your side effects you will feel more tired as time goes on, so please try to get as much rest as is possible (not an easy one I know).

    Good luck with the next lot of treatment and I hope your scan results are as favourable as they can be.

    Oh and remember you can come on here and rant and rave whenever you want. We are all a bit deaf anyway lol. Little My and her buddy Sunny Leith have a thread going - For those with a Warped Sense of Humour. Why don't you have a look and join in sometime. You're bound to get a laugh (as long as you're not easily offended lol).

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine

    LOL that's ok then! ;)

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia two years ago so wondering if that's going to make me more tired combined with chemo!

    I have a f/t job and single mum of 3 girls but two are teens so can do laundry and washing up etc,  and a mum nearby and a great manager who will let me be flexible with hours so I WILL make sure I take full advantage of all of that!

    And being on here has already cheered me up no end - and I will look at that thread too!

    Thanks Christine, it means a lot to have such support :)

    Ems xxx

  • FormerMember

    Blimey, ems... too much already! are you entitled to a bit of sick leave? You might want to take a bit at some point....

    sorry, I forgot to mention the thread... it is really really siily but its what gets me through- though you do have to be not easily offended as Christine says... between blogging and being silly and all the mac mates, you will get through it my dear, but make sure you get time to rest too!!!

    Big hug

    Little My xxx