Weight Loss

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Not a good night hence up writing this. Wondered if anyone else had problems maintaining their weight or even a weight. I lost around 10kgs -about 62 to 52)and even with a healthy appetite and eating all the things you shouldn't weight is still falling off. Will probably talk to doctor - just wondered if anyone had any tips/advice.
  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    I have anal cancer but lost a lot of weight. THat was one of the things that made me go to the gp in the first place. I was eating loads of everything and weight still falling off for a while. Once you start treatment, they weigh you each check up and if you are losing a lot they will give you a dietician or some such thing who will help you. You can get drinks that are packed with calories etc to help.

    I have put it all back on again now! But it is important to get the nutrients you need, so do talk to the doctor. Macmillan have some good booklets on  how to keep your weight up and what to eat etc too. If you go to the top of the page and look for the button be.macmillan. you can order booklets there. There is a good one with lots of tips of putting extra butter or cream in your mash etc.

    Good luck and do talk to the doc too.

    Little My x

  • FormerMember
    Hi there. Like you weight loss was one of the reasons for going to the doctors in the first place.Although i have had 2 rounds of chemo (3 max) I was only weighed at the beginning of treatment - early January.I Eat a lot of high calorie food, but had to lay off some of the things like Ensure as they make me feel rough. Also appetite comes in surges and things like bread and meat I've gone right off. I'll keep an eye on it and asked to be weighed at next check up. Cheers
  • FormerMember

    Do ask the doc as there is a lot they can do to help and you can ask to speak to the nutrionist too. Can't believe they only weighed you beginning! I am still weighted at every check up 18months on! These days I am looking the other way for the opposite reason though :)

     I  went through some weird cravings, going off my normal foods and craving things I never normally eat. 

    Do get the booklet too as that does have loads of good advice in it. Its easy to order from the link above or you can get one at the hospital if they have them there.

    LM x

  • FormerMember

    I lost 3st (about 20kg) in five months after brain surgery before it stabilised.  Fortunately I had weight to spare at the start.  One of the things I find useful for myself is a food diary where I track what I eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner so that I do eat regularly and I also take vitamin B and D supplements.  I don't track every bite, or snacks, but if I feel even remotely hungry, I eat something. Can't suggest anything to gain weight though as I've not put any weight back on in the last year.

    Eat more of what's good for you and check with your medics/dietician for foods that give energy.  Good Luck and stay positive


  • Hi ,

    My mum was 's weight went down so much she started to have muslce wasting. She was trying to keep to her usual healthy diet but we had to look at piling in the cals in a managable way as she did not really want to eat. We used milk shakes, made with a small amount of milk , three scoops of ice cream and a chocolate bar of her choosing. Blended it down and she could sip it gradually and not feel as though she was eating loads. She did however us build up drinks to ensure she was getting the correct balance. happy to report it is all a thing of the past and she looks well again.

    Take care,
