Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • Managing fatigue and other symptoms of cancer


    Cancer and its treatment can cause many symptoms, from tiredness and sleep problems to eating difficulties, bladder problems and skin changes. But there are also many treatments available and ways of managing these symptoms.

    One of the most common problems for people with cancer is fatigue. This means feeling excessively tired or exhausted all or most of the time. It can be one of the most difficult and debilitating…

  • First time dealing with cancer?


    Maybe you’ve just had the diagnosis from your doctor, and feel you don’t know where to start. Or perhaps a friend or relative has just told you the news, and you want to know how you can help. Perhaps you’re looking for answers but aren’t yet 100% sure of the questions you should be asking. In all of these cases, we’re here for you.

    Our booklet The cancer guide offers comprehensive advice…

  • Has cancer affected your sex life?


    Whether you’re single or in a relationship… whatever your sexual orientation… cancer can have a big impact on your sex life. It might be something you worry about as soon as you are diagnosed, or you may only become aware of changes to your sex life as you go through treatment or after it’s finished.

    This is why we’ve developed two new booklets to help people understand how cancer and its treatment…

  • If you're feeling low


    Cancer is tough. It doesn’t just affect your body; it’s an emotional upheaval too. But there are things you can do to help yourself cope, from simply reading a web page, to trying to open up to someone close. In this blog, we explore these and other tips for coping with a low mood.

    Whether you are a carer or someone directly affected by cancer, working through a cancer diagnosis can be a very difficult time…

  • Are you under 18 and caring for someone with cancer?


    This year’s Carers Week sees the first ever Young Carers Awareness Day – today! There are hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK right now who, at the same time as growing up, taking exams and thinking about their future, are also caring for an adult who’s ill or disabled.

    If someone close to you is living with cancer, you may be one of the people who helps to look after them. For some, that…