Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • Alcohol Awareness Week

    This week is Alcohol Awareness Week. This blog, written by our senior content developer and managing editor Rachel, talks about why it is important to be aware of how much you drink, and tips for cutting down.

    Last month, people all over the UK took part in Macmillan’s Go Sober for October challenge, going booze-free for a month to raise money to help people with cancer.

    While going teetotal may seem a little extreme…

  • Pancreatic cancer awareness month - Myth busting

    November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. About 9, 900 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the UK each year. In this blog, information nurse Richard is busting some of the myths surrounding pancreatic cancer.

    First up, let me explain where the pancreas is and what it does. It’s hidden deep inside the abdomen, behind the stomach and in front of the spine. It’s about 15cm long.

    The pancreas…

  • World Diabetes Day 2018 – Ways you can support family members

    Today is World Diabetes Day. This year the focus is on family and diabetes. It is estimated that about 20% of people with cancer also have diabetes. That’s a large group of people dealing with both cancer and diabetes. If someone in your family has both cancer and diabetes, there are certain things you could do to help. In this blog, cancer information development intern Molly talks about a few different ways you can…

  • Self-care week – Knowing the signs and symptoms of cancer


    This week is self-care week. The theme of the awareness week is ‘Choose Self Care for Life’. In this week’s blog, content developer Ella highlights common signs and symptoms of cancer.

    If you know your body and what is normal for you, it will help you to be aware of any changes. People sometimes think a change in their body isn’t worth bothering their GP about. Or they may feel embarrassed tal…

  • Movember - More than moustaches

    We’ve done dry January, Stress Awareness April, Walking May, Urology Awareness September, and Sober October. Now it’s Movember, perhaps the fuzziest (sorry) of all the awareness campaigns. Content channel manager Sam takes us through what this month is all about. Maybe you’re wondering if there’s anything more to it than attention-seeking moustaches (a bit like this guy below). Well, yes, there is something very serious…