Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • Do you have a New Year's resolution to drink less?

    A new year has begun! With it, comes New Year’s resolutions. From ‘stop biting nails’ to ‘be healthier’, our resolutions come in lots of shapes and sizes. One popular one after the Christmas period is to try to cut down on alcohol. This blog, written by our intern Molly, covers reasons to cut down your drinking, and some motivation for sticking with it.

    Come January 1st I’m always ready…

  • Volunteer Day - Internship story

    Today is International Volunteer Day. To celebrate, we hear from Emily - a previous intern in the Cancer Information Development team. Read on to find out what an internship with us is like. And three cheers for all our amazing volunteers!

    this image shows a banner that says my Macmillan internship

    I was lucky enough to take part in the Spring internship scheme at Macmillan Cancer Support. In February 2018, I joined the Cancer Information Development team (CID), the department…

  • Anger Awareness Week - Dealing with anger

    This week is Anger Awareness Week. Anger is one of the emotions you might feel when you have cancer and this is totally natural. In this blog, content channel editor Tania suggests a few ways to help you cope with any anger you may have. She also gives tips on how to respond if people around you are angry or frustrated.

    We all feel angry from time to time. It’s a natural human response which sometimes hides other feelings…

  • Disability and cancer information

    Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This day has been observed every year since 1992 to promote the rights and well-being of people with disabilities. In today's blog, quality and evaluation officer Rachael writes about disability and cancer, and how accessible information can make a big difference. 

    What is a disability?
    In the UK, the definition of a disabled person is ‘someone who has a physical…

  • Carers Rights Day - Supporting a carer

    Carers Rights Day is organised by Carers UK. It is a chance for hundreds of organisations to come together and help carers find what support is available to them in their local area. It also helps to raise awareness of the needs of carers and the daily challenges that they face.

    What is a carer?

    Every day, almost 6000 people become carers. Sometimes it’s planned but sometimes it’s unexpected. Saying exactly what a carer…