Information relevant to where you live

1 minute read time.

Cancer doesn’t choose who to affect by postcode. But the services, systems and organisations available to people affected by cancer can vary across the UK.

We want our cancer information to be relevant to everyone affected by cancer, whichever region or country of the UK they live in.

Whether you live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, we want you to have a good experience of reading our cancer information and to feel it reflects your needs.

Whenever we create a new resource, or update an old one, we look in-depth at the information to make sure it will be helpful for people in all UK countries. Some of the ways we do this include:

    • using a style guide of terms, institutions, policies, practices, systems, laws and organisations that vary between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
    • making sure that when we recommend other useful organisations that people might want to use for support or information, that these cover all of the UK
    • working with colleagues in all countries of the UK, to ensure we include the most up-to-date information for everyone
    • involving relevant experts and professionals from across the UK in the review of our information
    • asking people affected by cancer from across the UK to review and comment on our resources.

While most of our information isn’t for or about a particular country, where there are differences, we include these. For example, this information about access to treatment.

If you have any feedback on our information, please contact us on

Help us improve our information

If you’ve been affected by cancer, you can help us improve our information. We give you the chance to comment on a variety of information including booklets, leaflets and fact sheets.

If you’d like to hear more about becoming a reviewer, email You can review our information from home, whenever suits you.

Keep in touch

Follow Macmillan’s cancer information team on Twitter @mac_cancerinfo
