eBooks are now available on be.Macmillan

2 minute read time.

We are very excited to announce the release of our new eBooks! These can be downloaded straight onto your smartphone or tablet to be read or listened to at your convenience.

We now have our top titles live on the Be.mac site as eBooks, with many more being released over the coming weeks. You can view or download them here.

By providing our information in even more accessible formats, we hope that we can reach more people with our help and support.

There are many benefits to eBooks:

  • They're accessible – fonts can be resized by the user, making it easier for people with sight impairments to read our information. With the right software (on a user's device) they can also be turned into audio books.
  • They're easy to upload and can be quickly distributed, meaning we can keep our content as up-to-date as possible.
  • They're discreet, so it may be more comfortable reading sensitive material on buses, trains etc.
  • They can be easily shared via email as attachments.
  • eBooks are relatively cheap to produce and are good for the environment.
  • They're more navigable than standard booklets, as users can search through the information using an eReader’s search tool function and hyperlinks.
  • They can be viewed/read on a wide variety of devices:  mobile phones, tablets, laptops etc.

 An image of the eBooks on be.Macmillan

At the moment we currently provide two file types: .mobi (for kindle devices) and .epub. Epub files can be accessed on all major eReaders, mobile devices and tablets. You may need to download additional software for certain devices, possibly from iTunes or Google Play.

We hope you will find the new eBook formats useful.  If there’s a specific publication you’d like to see made available in an electronic format, please use our downloads request form to tell us.

To see what else Macmillan's cancer information team has been blogging about, please visit our blog home page! You can subscribe to receive our blogs by email or RSS too.

We're with you every step of the way

The Macmillan team is here to help. Our cancer support specialists can answer your questions, offer support, or simply listen if you need a chat. Call us free on 0808 808 00 00.

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Keep in touch Follow Macmillan’s cancer information team on Twitter @mac_cancerinfo
