Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness

  • Neuroendocrine - what's that?

    Earlier this week, I met some fellow cancer fighters and the conversation turned to what inspired us to ‘do what we do’. When it came to my turn, I was already prepared to regurgitate my usual 'spiel'. As sometimes happens, a listener queried me with the words "Neuroendocrine - what's that?". Another focussed on 'Neuro' enquiring whether my nervous system had somehow become cancerous…

  • End of year but not end of mission!

    Ronny  & Chris Allan

    Hope you all had a nice festive break?  Chris and I had 3 separate dinners making sure we made the most of our extended family base.  We decided to join in the Christmas jumper fashion statement which seems to be vogue this year – thus the picture!  At least we got to wear them 3 times!

    Now that busy period is over, I’ve had the chance to reflect on the last 8 months of blogging and look forward to my plans for…

  • Carcinoid Syndrome - 5 E's

    One of the curious things about Neuroendocrine Cancer (NET Cancer) is that it can exhibit one or more vague symptoms collectively known as a 'syndrome'.  There are various syndromes depending on the location and type of NET Cancer but the most common is associated with mid-gut carcinoid tumours known as 'Carcinoid Syndrome'. Those with Carcinoid Syndrome are likely to be (but not always) at an advanced stage of…

  • No Fear

    It's that time again, every 6 months I need some checks.  I've done the specialist blood test (Chromogranin A - CgA) and the 24 hour urine (5HIAA) and am waiting on my CT scan appointment. It's also time for my annual Echocardiogram and a DEXA bone scan (I'm on long term blood thinners (Clexane) and there is a risk of osteoporosis). I then see my Consultant and he delivers the news.  Happy days :-)

    I positively…

  • Well done NHS!

    I've been reasonably lucky with my health over the years, suffering only the usual common ailments.  I was slightly asthmatic as a child but this seemed to disappear when I left school going straight into military service. They say an army marches on its stomach... only partly true but the military did look after my health with regular check ups.  I think the only medical emergency I had in my 29 years in that wonderful…